Monday, November 16, 2009

My 6.5 yr old son is losing a lot of hair. Is it because of a recent dental X-rays ? Any other expla

we have changed his shampoo to a very mild brand. We feel that he is not under any stress. We even stopped giving him fresh-crushed carrot juice as we read that too much carrot may cause hair loss.

My 6.5 yr old son is losing a lot of hair. Is it because of a recent dental X-rays ? Any other explanation ?

Usually diet is a factor in a child's hair not growing. As your pediatrician if an enema would be safe. Give your child fruits and veggies and some organic foods for a while.

My 6.5 yr old son is losing a lot of hair. Is it because of a recent dental X-rays ? Any other explanation ?

I suggest that you immediately look up Baron von Munchausen syndrome, because it sounds like your child may be suffering from it.

My 6.5 yr old son is losing a lot of hair. Is it because of a recent dental X-rays ? Any other explanation ?

Go to your Dr. This is not normal.

My 6.5 yr old son is losing a lot of hair. Is it because of a recent dental X-rays ? Any other explanation ?

I think its time you take your son to the Pediatric.. thats not normal, he楹搒 a growing boy...

Take care...

Bcn_mimosa from Barcelona, Spain

My 6.5 yr old son is losing a lot of hair. Is it because of a recent dental X-rays ? Any other explanation ?

more than likely it is not from the dental x-rays. he needs to go see his pediatrician and find out whats going on. good luck!

My 6.5 yr old son is losing a lot of hair. Is it because of a recent dental X-rays ? Any other explanation ?

it sounds like Alphecca, it is a skin condition which causes the hair to fall out and leave bald spots.

take him to see a dermatologist, this condition is very treatable if this is what it is.

I doubt the x ray has any thing to do with it but any thing is possible. Alphecca is more common in boys between the ages of 6 and 13 A lot of men who lose their hair young, have suffered from Alphecca and not been treated.

That is what I would suggests. it will only get worse if it is left untreated. My nephew ended up having a bald spot as big around as a baseball do to the fact they let it go and did not have it treated all his hair has grown back now but he went for months being embarrassed by his bald spot and dealing with rude stares and comments not by children either by their so called parents.

please get him in to see the dermatologist as soon as possible.

I am not sure about the way I spelt this condition, it was the best guess I could I hate medical terms.

My 6.5 yr old son is losing a lot of hair. Is it because of a recent dental X-rays ? Any other explanation ?

I think the word that Angie is trying to say is "alopecia."

The hair loss is not from the x-rays. He will probably need lab work to try to figure out what's going on.

Kitten lost hair,reason?

two baby kittens lost most of their fur. No fleas, vet. doesn't think it is ringworm. Any ideas?

Kitten lost hair,reason?

I don't know, but you may want to get a second opnion and find out what's going on with your kittens

Kitten lost hair,reason?

the vet doesn't know? mange or scabies?

Kitten lost hair,reason?

You might want to check for mights. There is also a nervous condition some cats have that makes them shed. I have not heard of a cat loosing all its hair but, I guess it is possible. If itchiness is not present, the most likely diagnoses are a systemic problem leading to hair loss, endocrine disorders, bacterial skin infections, ringworm and immune system disorders.

Try googleing hair loss in cats

Kitten lost hair,reason?

they maybe bitting their hair off.

I lost hair to much i try diffrent shampoos but not work! u guys know about stop my hair lose.tell m

i got dandruff to much in my head. i try diff.diff. dandruff shampoo (expencive) but not working igot still dand. in my head thats why im alwayse keep my head bold .

I lost hair to much i try diffrent shampoos but not work! u guys know about stop my hair lose.tell me pl.?

I've got a similar problem. I am sooo stressed out, I've lost sooo much hair. I'm young, and shouldn't be going through this, but none the less. I would say, more than just a shampoo as a solution. That maybe it's much deeper. On a spiritual level, like you need to find what is bothering you, stressing you out, that may contribute to your hair loss. Just a suggestion.

I lost hair to much i try diffrent shampoos but not work! u guys know about stop my hair lose.tell me pl.?

ummm sorry cant help you

I lost hair to much i try diffrent shampoos but not work! u guys know about stop my hair lose.tell me pl.?

take iron tablets and protein daily.

I lost hair to much i try diffrent shampoos but not work! u guys know about stop my hair lose.tell me pl.?

Have you tried Scalp Relief by Redken? My hair stylist said it's great for dandruff. I suggest going to a salon and speaking to a professional hair stylist for advice on how to treat your scalp condition.

However, please keep in mind that this could be a medical issue. If your hair isn't responding to various treatments, it could be something more than just dandruff. If the problem persists, and you continue to lose hair, please see a doctor - they might be able to help you better.

Good luck!

I lost hair to much i try diffrent shampoos but not work! u guys know about stop my hair lose.tell me pl.?

Dandruff shampoo is okay but you have to sonsider that everytime you wash your hair, you're washing away the natural oils your scalp produces. Don't wash every day (3-4 time a week) Get a good conditioner. something from a salon not something at the local Walgreen's. When you put the conditioner in, work it all the way to the scalp and leave it for a good 3-4 minutes. Rinse your hair with cool (not cold, not warm) water. You should start to see really fine results in about a week. Good Luck!!

I lost hair to much i try diffrent shampoos but not work! u guys know about stop my hair lose.tell me pl.?




To everyone who is concerned about hair loss?

No chemicals, drugs, Rogaine庐, or transplants!

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To everyone who is concerned about hair loss?

hmm...okay. :)

To everyone who is concerned about hair loss?

just use salt to wash your hair.

Y does Ann Coulter always play with her hair when she knows she's losing a debate? To distract

Y does Ann Coulter always play with her hair when she knows she's losing a debate? To distract people?

The woman is a menace and a legend in her own mind.

Why doesn't she come out of the closet for goodness sake?

Oh, I forgot, she can't pretend she's a Christian and gay.

Y does Ann Coulter always play with her hair when she knows she's losing a debate? To distract people?

It's probably head lice.

Y does Ann Coulter always play with her hair when she knows she's losing a debate? To distract people?

to give unproductive liberals like yourself something to complain about.

Y does Ann Coulter always play with her hair when she knows she's losing a debate? To distract people?

She looks like a man and she's so ugly

Y does Ann Coulter always play with her hair when she knows she's losing a debate? To distract people?

Is this John Edwards.

Y does Ann Coulter always play with her hair when she knows she's losing a debate? To distract people?

Why does Bill Clinton always play with his willy and not debate?

Y does Ann Coulter always play with her hair when she knows she's losing a debate? To distract people?

She is so arrogant, she would never admit she is losing a debate. The distracting thing for me is that big "adam's apple" in her throat. It is not something you find in most women, and although I listen to her, watching it is a little distracting.

Y does Ann Coulter always play with her hair when she knows she's losing a debate? To distract people?

I've never seen Ann lose a debate, I have seen her become annoyed with liberals who are too stupid to understand the facts for her to continue a discussion. Maybe you want to read the transcript when she was on 'The View', I don't know how those dummies can show their face anymore.

Y does Ann Coulter always play with her hair when she knows she's losing a debate? To distract people?

I give her a ton of credit for appearing on that show. It's a hairstyle that requires being pushed out of the face. Quite common, actually.

The video quality was poor, however, whether she lost the debate is your opinion vs. mine. Since when does an interviewer need to debate with an author? If you don't want to read her books, then don't read them.

Y does Ann Coulter always play with her hair when she knows she's losing a debate? To distract people?

her insanity is distraction enough

and she's had plastic surgery within the last year or so

do you remember how awful she looked on bill maher

she should marry al sharpton

on her website she has a picture with her arm around him

Y does Ann Coulter always play with her hair when she knows she's losing a debate? To distract people?

Because she understands that in order to cater to the Republican male, she must be a mean woman who attacks liberals and yet maintain the "dumb blonde" sex me up stuff so that she doesn't threaten their little willies.

It's a precarious tightrope she and many Christian, Republican women have to walk. Glad I have rejected that, I'm sure many of them think of suicide daily.

Hey is it advisable to get my hair striaghtened?

hey i have curly hair and i'm 17. my hair just barely passed the noes. shold use a straigtener to like uncurl it? I think the fact that it's curly, that it's making me lose hair ? what should i do?

ALso, is it true that if your bald , hair will grow more healthy?

Hey is it advisable to get my hair striaghtened?


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Hey is it advisable to get my hair striaghtened?

Mathers, what's a "noes"? Is that nose? If your "bald" you don't have hair. How can it be more healthy?? You can try the Minoxidil(?), but ultimately you might want to save your money for one of those Bosley treatments. Genetics determines most of your hair loss. That Bosley treatment transfers hair from the nape of your neck to places your losing it. It's about the only real way.

I am suffering from hair fall , can i get back my lost hairs , by any means ?

Hi My age is 25 y %26amp; i have lost my hairs from top of head , i wanna get these back , what are treatments avalible plz tell me about these

I am suffering from hair fall , can i get back my lost hairs , by any means ?

Drink 10-12 glasses of water daily and have a high protein diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables and dairy products. Since iron-deficiency anemia can also cause hair loss,make sure that you eat a well-balanced diet that includes a daily serving or two of iron-rich foods. Check out for more info.

I am suffering from hair fall , can i get back my lost hairs , by any means ?

They're gone for good.

I am suffering from hair fall , can i get back my lost hairs , by any means ?

give a police complaint at a police station near your area and keep an eye on "Lost%26amp;Found" section.

I am suffering from hair fall , can i get back my lost hairs , by any means ?

check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:-- Hairloss/Hairfall