Monday, November 16, 2009

My 6.5 yr old son is losing a lot of hair. Is it because of a recent dental X-rays ? Any other expla

we have changed his shampoo to a very mild brand. We feel that he is not under any stress. We even stopped giving him fresh-crushed carrot juice as we read that too much carrot may cause hair loss.

My 6.5 yr old son is losing a lot of hair. Is it because of a recent dental X-rays ? Any other explanation ?

Usually diet is a factor in a child's hair not growing. As your pediatrician if an enema would be safe. Give your child fruits and veggies and some organic foods for a while.

My 6.5 yr old son is losing a lot of hair. Is it because of a recent dental X-rays ? Any other explanation ?

I suggest that you immediately look up Baron von Munchausen syndrome, because it sounds like your child may be suffering from it.

My 6.5 yr old son is losing a lot of hair. Is it because of a recent dental X-rays ? Any other explanation ?

Go to your Dr. This is not normal.

My 6.5 yr old son is losing a lot of hair. Is it because of a recent dental X-rays ? Any other explanation ?

I think its time you take your son to the Pediatric.. thats not normal, he楹搒 a growing boy...

Take care...

Bcn_mimosa from Barcelona, Spain

My 6.5 yr old son is losing a lot of hair. Is it because of a recent dental X-rays ? Any other explanation ?

more than likely it is not from the dental x-rays. he needs to go see his pediatrician and find out whats going on. good luck!

My 6.5 yr old son is losing a lot of hair. Is it because of a recent dental X-rays ? Any other explanation ?

it sounds like Alphecca, it is a skin condition which causes the hair to fall out and leave bald spots.

take him to see a dermatologist, this condition is very treatable if this is what it is.

I doubt the x ray has any thing to do with it but any thing is possible. Alphecca is more common in boys between the ages of 6 and 13 A lot of men who lose their hair young, have suffered from Alphecca and not been treated.

That is what I would suggests. it will only get worse if it is left untreated. My nephew ended up having a bald spot as big around as a baseball do to the fact they let it go and did not have it treated all his hair has grown back now but he went for months being embarrassed by his bald spot and dealing with rude stares and comments not by children either by their so called parents.

please get him in to see the dermatologist as soon as possible.

I am not sure about the way I spelt this condition, it was the best guess I could I hate medical terms.

My 6.5 yr old son is losing a lot of hair. Is it because of a recent dental X-rays ? Any other explanation ?

I think the word that Angie is trying to say is "alopecia."

The hair loss is not from the x-rays. He will probably need lab work to try to figure out what's going on.

Kitten lost hair,reason?

two baby kittens lost most of their fur. No fleas, vet. doesn't think it is ringworm. Any ideas?

Kitten lost hair,reason?

I don't know, but you may want to get a second opnion and find out what's going on with your kittens

Kitten lost hair,reason?

the vet doesn't know? mange or scabies?

Kitten lost hair,reason?

You might want to check for mights. There is also a nervous condition some cats have that makes them shed. I have not heard of a cat loosing all its hair but, I guess it is possible. If itchiness is not present, the most likely diagnoses are a systemic problem leading to hair loss, endocrine disorders, bacterial skin infections, ringworm and immune system disorders.

Try googleing hair loss in cats

Kitten lost hair,reason?

they maybe bitting their hair off.

I lost hair to much i try diffrent shampoos but not work! u guys know about stop my hair lose.tell m

i got dandruff to much in my head. i try diff.diff. dandruff shampoo (expencive) but not working igot still dand. in my head thats why im alwayse keep my head bold .

I lost hair to much i try diffrent shampoos but not work! u guys know about stop my hair lose.tell me pl.?

I've got a similar problem. I am sooo stressed out, I've lost sooo much hair. I'm young, and shouldn't be going through this, but none the less. I would say, more than just a shampoo as a solution. That maybe it's much deeper. On a spiritual level, like you need to find what is bothering you, stressing you out, that may contribute to your hair loss. Just a suggestion.

I lost hair to much i try diffrent shampoos but not work! u guys know about stop my hair lose.tell me pl.?

ummm sorry cant help you

I lost hair to much i try diffrent shampoos but not work! u guys know about stop my hair lose.tell me pl.?

take iron tablets and protein daily.

I lost hair to much i try diffrent shampoos but not work! u guys know about stop my hair lose.tell me pl.?

Have you tried Scalp Relief by Redken? My hair stylist said it's great for dandruff. I suggest going to a salon and speaking to a professional hair stylist for advice on how to treat your scalp condition.

However, please keep in mind that this could be a medical issue. If your hair isn't responding to various treatments, it could be something more than just dandruff. If the problem persists, and you continue to lose hair, please see a doctor - they might be able to help you better.

Good luck!

I lost hair to much i try diffrent shampoos but not work! u guys know about stop my hair lose.tell me pl.?

Dandruff shampoo is okay but you have to sonsider that everytime you wash your hair, you're washing away the natural oils your scalp produces. Don't wash every day (3-4 time a week) Get a good conditioner. something from a salon not something at the local Walgreen's. When you put the conditioner in, work it all the way to the scalp and leave it for a good 3-4 minutes. Rinse your hair with cool (not cold, not warm) water. You should start to see really fine results in about a week. Good Luck!!

I lost hair to much i try diffrent shampoos but not work! u guys know about stop my hair lose.tell me pl.?




To everyone who is concerned about hair loss?

No chemicals, drugs, Rogaine庐, or transplants!

Secret Techniques Hollywood Actors use to Naturally Regrow Lost Hair within Weeks @

To everyone who is concerned about hair loss?

hmm...okay. :)

To everyone who is concerned about hair loss?

just use salt to wash your hair.

Y does Ann Coulter always play with her hair when she knows she's losing a debate? To distract

Y does Ann Coulter always play with her hair when she knows she's losing a debate? To distract people?

The woman is a menace and a legend in her own mind.

Why doesn't she come out of the closet for goodness sake?

Oh, I forgot, she can't pretend she's a Christian and gay.

Y does Ann Coulter always play with her hair when she knows she's losing a debate? To distract people?

It's probably head lice.

Y does Ann Coulter always play with her hair when she knows she's losing a debate? To distract people?

to give unproductive liberals like yourself something to complain about.

Y does Ann Coulter always play with her hair when she knows she's losing a debate? To distract people?

She looks like a man and she's so ugly

Y does Ann Coulter always play with her hair when she knows she's losing a debate? To distract people?

Is this John Edwards.

Y does Ann Coulter always play with her hair when she knows she's losing a debate? To distract people?

Why does Bill Clinton always play with his willy and not debate?

Y does Ann Coulter always play with her hair when she knows she's losing a debate? To distract people?

She is so arrogant, she would never admit she is losing a debate. The distracting thing for me is that big "adam's apple" in her throat. It is not something you find in most women, and although I listen to her, watching it is a little distracting.

Y does Ann Coulter always play with her hair when she knows she's losing a debate? To distract people?

I've never seen Ann lose a debate, I have seen her become annoyed with liberals who are too stupid to understand the facts for her to continue a discussion. Maybe you want to read the transcript when she was on 'The View', I don't know how those dummies can show their face anymore.

Y does Ann Coulter always play with her hair when she knows she's losing a debate? To distract people?

I give her a ton of credit for appearing on that show. It's a hairstyle that requires being pushed out of the face. Quite common, actually.

The video quality was poor, however, whether she lost the debate is your opinion vs. mine. Since when does an interviewer need to debate with an author? If you don't want to read her books, then don't read them.

Y does Ann Coulter always play with her hair when she knows she's losing a debate? To distract people?

her insanity is distraction enough

and she's had plastic surgery within the last year or so

do you remember how awful she looked on bill maher

she should marry al sharpton

on her website she has a picture with her arm around him

Y does Ann Coulter always play with her hair when she knows she's losing a debate? To distract people?

Because she understands that in order to cater to the Republican male, she must be a mean woman who attacks liberals and yet maintain the "dumb blonde" sex me up stuff so that she doesn't threaten their little willies.

It's a precarious tightrope she and many Christian, Republican women have to walk. Glad I have rejected that, I'm sure many of them think of suicide daily.

Hey is it advisable to get my hair striaghtened?

hey i have curly hair and i'm 17. my hair just barely passed the noes. shold use a straigtener to like uncurl it? I think the fact that it's curly, that it's making me lose hair ? what should i do?

ALso, is it true that if your bald , hair will grow more healthy?

Hey is it advisable to get my hair striaghtened?


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Hey is it advisable to get my hair striaghtened?

Mathers, what's a "noes"? Is that nose? If your "bald" you don't have hair. How can it be more healthy?? You can try the Minoxidil(?), but ultimately you might want to save your money for one of those Bosley treatments. Genetics determines most of your hair loss. That Bosley treatment transfers hair from the nape of your neck to places your losing it. It's about the only real way.

I am suffering from hair fall , can i get back my lost hairs , by any means ?

Hi My age is 25 y %26amp; i have lost my hairs from top of head , i wanna get these back , what are treatments avalible plz tell me about these

I am suffering from hair fall , can i get back my lost hairs , by any means ?

Drink 10-12 glasses of water daily and have a high protein diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables and dairy products. Since iron-deficiency anemia can also cause hair loss,make sure that you eat a well-balanced diet that includes a daily serving or two of iron-rich foods. Check out for more info.

I am suffering from hair fall , can i get back my lost hairs , by any means ?

They're gone for good.

I am suffering from hair fall , can i get back my lost hairs , by any means ?

give a police complaint at a police station near your area and keep an eye on "Lost%26amp;Found" section.

I am suffering from hair fall , can i get back my lost hairs , by any means ?

check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:-- Hairloss/Hairfall

How do we actually prevent hair loss ? I seem to be losing so much everyday.?

buy some hair loss solution

How do we actually prevent hair loss ? I seem to be losing so much everyday.?


How do we actually prevent hair loss ? I seem to be losing so much everyday.?

See a medical professional. It could be do to diet, thyroid or other health issues. I am betting on thyroid, which is easily treatable. Good luck !

How do we actually prevent hair loss ? I seem to be losing so much everyday.?

A fully grown adult loses around 100 hairs from their head everyday so don't be too worried, if you feel you are losing a lot more than this then consult your doctor.

How do we actually prevent hair loss ? I seem to be losing so much everyday.?

if your blonde, it is proven that blonde people lose alot more hair then brunnettes, or people with red hair.

and sometimes it seems like you are losing more then you are.

you might want to go to the doctor and ask about it.

How do we actually prevent hair loss ? I seem to be losing so much everyday.?

As someone as already said, adults normally "shed" 100 to 200 hairs each day, depending upon the density of their hair. If you feel you are losing more than this or if your hair is coming out in certain areas, go to a doctor because in order to prevent anything from happening, you have to know what is causing whatever is happening. Some causes might be: heredity, medications you may be taking for another reason, stress can cause abnormal hair loss. There are products now available to regrow hair that some people I know have had some success using such as Rogaine but they went to a dermatologist first to find the cause and in the cases of know of it was heredity. Good luck.

How do we actually prevent hair loss ? I seem to be losing so much everyday.?

As one other person said, it is normal to lose about 100 hairs a day.

For hair to grow properly, you need to massage your scalp and stimulate the blood flow. When you shampoo, take the 3-4 minutes to massage your head. Your diet will also be a big factor in your hair, skin and nail growth.

I don't know if you color or perm your hair, but if you do, it is possible that you are experiencing breakage, not hair loss.

My hair is thinning.. the upper part of my hair looks thin... and it will losing after that??

You are going bald. Get some Rogain and start praying.

My hair is thinning.. the upper part of my hair looks thin... and it will losing after that??

shave your head. You will look fit and save a lot on shampoo.

When i take a shower, i put conditioner on my hair and then i brush my hair while im in the shower..

is that bad for my hair?? does it make you lose hair??

When i take a shower, i put conditioner on my hair and then i brush my hair while im in the shower..?

It should be good for your hair, it will cause LESS breakage. and it is recommended to do that if you have curly hair. no it doesn't make you lose hair, it just pulls out hair thats already loose.

When i take a shower, i put conditioner on my hair and then i brush my hair while im in the shower..?

It does never brush your hair with a hair brush while you are int he shower it not only makes you loose hair it also damages your hair try combing your hair insted that is what my hair dresser recomended for me because i did the same thing!

Lost Hair - Pls Suggest?

I have partial male pattern baldness. Please help, i love to have hairs. No other medical problems.

Lost Hair - Pls Suggest?

what's wrong with a nice bald head?

Just shave the rest off.

Many interesting women love a shaved head. It's so sexy!

Lost Hair - Pls Suggest?

try a shampoo for male pattern balding - i use one and although it hasn't worked on my head, it is working great on my back (what a drag it is getting old!) i just shave my head - you must own it tho - gotta carry the attitude! good luck!

Lost Hair - Pls Suggest?

try a mane and tail shampoo

Lost Hair - Pls Suggest?

Eat healthy foods take protein rich foods.

Massage your scalp daily with olive oil and almond oil.

Don't wash your hair daily.

Protect your hair by using dandruff shampoo.

Avoid caffeine, alcohol.

You will see the difference in a month.

Lost Hair - Pls Suggest?

male pattern baldness is hereditary and not really anything will help. you can try rogaine, it may help but remember, if you stop using it any hair that regrew will fall back out. it is a commitment.

How is blow drying your hair bad?

Can it make u lose hair?

How is blow drying your hair bad?

It's the heat, which stresses it out. If you can dry it at a lower temperature, it is better.

How is blow drying your hair bad?

It dries your hair out and damages it. It can't make your hair fall out, but it can cause breakage.

How is blow drying your hair bad?

no, but it dries it out real bad if you aren't carefull

How is blow drying your hair bad?

No, but it can make it more apt for breakage.

How is blow drying your hair bad?

it dries out your hair, and yes it can

How is blow drying your hair bad?


How is blow drying your hair bad?

Heat isn't good for your hair, and very hot air can dry out your hair. It can eventually lead to so much damage you will lose hair.

How is blow drying your hair bad?

Probably. The worst part is you get all out of breath, your mouth gets contorted into a snout over your eyebrows. Bad stuff. Mm.

How is blow drying your hair bad?

it splits the ends

How is blow drying your hair bad?

Blow drying your hair uses heat (which in itself is bad for your hair) but also can cause breakage by using brushes to dry it... if you are going to blow dry your hair, its pretty important to make sure to use some sort of product!!!!

How is blow drying your hair bad?

it drys up and burns you hair! if your gonna take a shower and not go anywhere and your alone at home then just tie it or leave it! no need to blow dry perfectly if your not gonna do anything

How is blow drying your hair bad?

too much heat can dry out the hair, making it breakable and have split ends. it doesn't make your hair fall out. use a heat protection spray, and limit the blow drying.

How is blow drying your hair bad?

You lose hair anyway on a daily basis. Blow drying just drys hair out a lot and since your hair is dead anyway, it's not the best thing to do. If you want to protect your hair, try Kenra Platinum silkening gloss. I dye my hair and straighten in and blow dry it and all kinds of crap but as long as I put just a tiny bit of that stuff in my hair every day, it still looks and feels wonderful. It costs like 16 bucks but it is so worth it.

How is blow drying your hair bad?

It can cause heat damage to your hair....don't really think it makes it fall out. But, you can use cool air instead of hot for less damage.

How is blow drying your hair bad?

Dont know about making you lose it...keep the heat on medium and the fan on the dryer to low and use a preheat treatment, such as a leave-in conditioner before you blow dry and you should be able to reduce the damage. Ion blow dryers are the best!

How is blow drying your hair bad?

It will make you lose hair only if you dont put some kind of protecting product on it. Because it will put to much heat on your hair and cause it to break off, making it seem like its falling out. You should be fine just pick up something like heat proctecting spray from treseme or go to your salon if you want to REALLY good stuff

How is blow drying your hair bad?

Not sure if it will actually make you lose your hair, but it can be very damaging and drying to your hair and scalp.

I blow dry my hair every day, but I make sure that I use a high-quality professional blow dryer and I NEVER EVER dry my hair on high heat - only medium.

Not sure if this really does anything, but I use the cool setting when my hair is all dry to cool my scalp and help seal my cuticle. Again, no proof this actually works, but taking all that heat out of your hair when you're all finished certainly won't hurt anything.

Also, never blow dry your hair upside down. I've heard its terrible for the hair follicle and makes hair more unruly and difficult to style.

How is blow drying your hair bad?

Try setting it on cool setting not as drying to the hair ends,,,

How is blow drying your hair bad?

If your hair is chemically treated is may be worse for you. Blow drying your hair dries it out and makes it easier for breakage and also dries your scalp which slows down the growing process because your hair is like a plant. It has roots which need food and water. If you set a plant in the sun all day the roots will dry and eventually die.

How is blow drying your hair bad?



How is blow drying your hair bad?

it makes u get split ends and it drys your scalp and hair causing you to get dandruff

How is blow drying your hair bad?

Yes you can lose hair if it starts breaking ,the heat thins and frys the hair, twice a week is to often and if you must blow dry look for a product that can replenish the lost moisture from your hair , I swear by the John Freida Frizz ease line of products.

How is blow drying your hair bad?

It dries it out, condition it well or it will break off

How is blow drying your hair bad?

Blow drying your hair is bad, High heat is even worse. Try using a cool setting on you hair drier if you have one.

How is blow drying your hair bad?

It can't make you lose your hair, but it takes the moisture out of it.

How is blow drying your hair bad?

blow drying your hair drys it out, and can cause it to be damaged and brittle if you do it daily. it is important when using any heat on your hair to keep it moving. you dont want to sit the blow dryer in one place, keep it moving across the hair cuticle.

hair loss can be attributed to a lot of things. for some people it is because the scalp is being stimulated. stimulation causes hair to grow, but can also over stimulate and cause for some hair to fall out. usually though, substantial hair loss is due to poor nutrition, and sometimes stress.

How is blow drying your hair bad?

blow drying puts hot heat on your hair which can cause breakage.when your hair starts to break it goes up in your hair damaging it more noticable in the mid section of your hair. make sure you are using a thermal protecter on your hair if you blow dry alot.also try not to pull to much on your hair when it is does not stretch like it does when its dry and breaks more easily.

How is blow drying your hair bad?

I don't think it can make you lose your hair, but it definitely damages your hair. When you heat your hair it splits the ends, and makes the strands break, snap, or recieve damage. It's best when blow drying your hair to use a heat resistant product, like Thermasilk heat therapy or something along those lines. The product protects your hair from the heat, dries your hair the same way, and protects your hair.

:o) Emily

How is blow drying your hair bad?

Blow drying your hair can cause damage and dry out your hair.....sometimes, every now and then take a shower at night and go to bed with it wet.

Is 60 strands of hair lost after shower too much??

i wash my hair every other day, well after running my fingers through my wet hair about 40 strands came out at once, i kept doing it and more came out about 3-5 at a time

is this normal? since i only wash my hair everyother day- i read that 50-100 strands a day is normal..but what if im losing more and not realising it....

Is 60 strands of hair lost after shower too much??

As long as you dont notice balding or thinning then you're fine.

Is 60 strands of hair lost after shower too much??

prob.! you count them?! lol :p

Is 60 strands of hair lost after shower too much??

go to a doctor and tell him or he the problem

Is 60 strands of hair lost after shower too much??

it is normal to lose that much a day, but some ways to help prevent losing so much before you take a shower it to brush the tangles out and use conditioner before you shampoo.

Is 60 strands of hair lost after shower too much??

If you are losing a lot of hair it can be due to stress. this seems to be one of the top reasons why people lose excess hair. I use Nioxin Shampoo. It is a shampoo that specializes in removing the extra hormones (DHT) from the scalp that cause us to lose our hair. This shampoo is expensive but it works wonders. You can buy it at most salons. Use it daily for about a month. If you still don't see a difference then I would see a doctor. It usually works pretty good though! Good Luck

Is 60 strands of hair lost after shower too much??

100 strands a day is normal and nothing to worry about, and since most dead hair comes out after a shower, and you wash every other day, you could lose up to 200 strands per shower and have nothing to worry about.

if you feel as though your hair is thinning in any particular area, i would recommend NIOXIN shampoo and conditioner; lots of people have had good results with the regime.

also, it is said that about 6 months or so after being under anesthesia, some people experience slightly accelerated hair loss for a short time. if that's the case, that could be your problem.

however, unless you are experiencing severe loss, i wouldn't worry about it, but you can always speak with your doctor if you are really concerned!!

Is 60 strands of hair lost after shower too much??

Conditioners tend to do that, or you're using a BAD shampoo. Pantene is really bad for your hair, do just careful what you use.

Pregnancy hair lose?

Im 4 months prego and Im losing alot of my hair. I know all of my insides are in a wack but I would really like to know what to do its more and more everyday I would like for me to keep the lenght I have but if its gonna get worse Im going end up cutting it... anyone have any tips, I was going to go by protein for my hair.

Pregnancy hair lose?

I lose my hair from stress. If you feel stressed that could be why. Look up some relaxation exersizes for Pregnant women and try to stay calm. Stress isn't good for your baby either so try to think of it when you become upset or agitated. Also if you are taking pre natal vitamins they are really good for your hair.. maybe your just sheding a little for fall as it gets healthier.

Pregnancy hair lose?

hair is made up of protein and your body is probably lacking in protein. try eating more meat,eggs,beans all of them are very high in protein and can really help. if your hairs looking a little thin then have a good trim and use thicking shampoo good luck

I lost my hair it related with my childborn...??

i have 3 month old baby...currently im losing my hair reletives all said its bcoz of the it true..?

what i shd do to control my hair losing?

I lost my hair it related with my childborn...??

Lots of my customers have seen hair loss after childbirth~However it is just your hormones and they will straighten back out...Just be sure you are taking time for yourself and eating right. Good Luck new mommy! Besides your hair has to grow back in order to be able to pull it out later as our little ones grow:)

I lost my hair it related with my childborn...??

I worked with a girl who started to lose her hair. The doctor said that it is typically stress related. You can have traumatic stress 3 months prior to losing your hair so having re-read your question and seeing that the baby is 3 months I'd say it was the stress on your body giving birth. Good news--she stopped losing her hair. Congrats! on your baby.

I lost my hair it related with my childborn...??

It may not be directly related to the childbirth but it might be because of the stress caused by the birth

I lost my hair it related with my childborn...??

Im in the same boat your actually not loosing that much hair its because when your pregnant your body doesnt shead as much hair when your not pregnant.

I lost my hair it related with my childborn...??

When my mother gets upset at me, she swears she "never got zits" before I was born and she had a full head of hair [Now she has thinning hair.]

It's quite possible.

I lost my hair it related with my childborn...??

YES, I have the same problem even my baby is now 9 month old. keep taking prenatal vitamins and get protien and iron in your diet.

I lost my hair it related with my childborn...??

It does sound like a hormonal issue. My sister in law went to the doc after her child was born because she was loosing so much hair. I lost alot after kid, but I had also grown a lot during pregnancy. Don't stop taking the prenatal vitamin. Your body is going through tremendous changes after you have a baby, just as it did before. Try to eliiminate white flour and sugar from your diet. Eat healthy whole foods. like oatmeal flax (flax is important, for the omega 3s.) and apples and other fruits. I had a meal in an indian resturant today, there were so many fresh fruits and vegatables. That is what is good for us! Don't eat frozen processed foods, skip mcdonalds and fast food. Your body will thank you for it. Don't panic your hair should balance out and things should get back to normal.

I lost my hair it related with my childborn...??

check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:-- Hairloss/Hairfall

Vitamins for Hair Loss/growth

I lost my hair it related with my childborn...??

Gosh, I don't know. But I do know that when my daughter had a lot of hair falling out she was diagnosed as lacking in iron. She used to drink milk by the bucket and milk apparently depletes the body of iron. Hope this helps. :-p

I lost my hair it related with my childborn...??

its your hormones. many women experience this after child birth. there really isn't anything you can do about it.

Why is my cat losing fur?

I was told that cats lose hair because of stress or mange, we did recently add a whole bunch of animals to the house, so i figured he was just stressed out and is over grooming himself. But one of the spots on his back looks a little green and crusty?

Why is my cat losing fur?

I dont think it is mange sarcoptic mange makes the hair look like all the hair falls out and there isn't any green or anything. It sounds like he was stressed and started overgrooming himself, the constant licking may have casued him to get a skin infection or the skin may be irriatated. Try putting a cone around his head to prevent him from licking and see if it improves. It also may be allergies. If you put up a cristmas tree he may have allergies to the tree. If it does not improve with the cone try pine oil, and take him into see the vet.

Why is my cat losing fur?

u should go visit the vet, especially if ur cat is stratching or biting itself, it could be a skin infection

Why is my cat losing fur?

puberty I think I am only 10 and never been by a kitten!!!

Why is my cat losing fur?

I would say he may have mange or skin infection...but I am not a vet.... I would highly recommend that you get him to the vet like pronto! Not a good thing to have this type of condition when you have multiple animals as they may all have it in a very short amount of time!

Why is my cat losing fur?

It could be mange. Take him to the vet as soon as you can. Some mange is not contagious, but one that is highly contagious is sarcoptic mange which is even contagious to humans because it is caused by mites on the skin. Keep it quarantined from the other animals and take it to the vet as soon as you get a chance.

Why is my cat losing fur?

I AM A VET!!! This would not happen due to "overgrooming". He might have caught something due to one of the other animals. But there are so many things he could have. i would have to take a look at him to diagnos him properly. I strongly suggest taking him to the vet.

Why is my cat losing fur?

I would take him to the vet, but they lose hair when they are stress, nervous or when fleas are getting on there nerves. One of my cats is doing it now but i just had a baby and 3 new puppys are here.

Why is my cat losing fur?

it isnt getting enough protein or nutrition

Dog lose hair?

My friend has a chocolate lab that starts to lose her hair every November. She has no fleas or other pests. She has a clean bill of health from the vet. When she is taken outside, she is monitored closely. This only starts to happen in November and clears up in a couple of months.

The owners have changed her diet, and monitor everything that she comes in contact with and still cannot figure out why this happens this time every year.

Has anyone else had this kind of experience with their dog?

Dog lose hair?

Yes, i have had this problem with two of my dogs. Both dogs loose their hair in a patch around the end of their body on top where the tails starts. This is normal and it also happens to our dogs every year around November. There is a product you can get that is called Hot Spot, I got it at Petsmart but I am sure they sell it at almost every pet store. We just took our dogs to get their shots this year and our one dog that we still have got it again this year and the vet just says to put Hot Spot(pet brand) or Benadryl (human brand)on it. The vet also said that we could give the dog Benadryl pills to help stop the itching because sometimes the dog will pick at it because of the loss of hair. This year was the first time our dog kept picking at it and we give her Benadryl Allergy medicine in her food everyday and she doesnt scratch it anymore and her hair is growing back. The vet does not know what it is, we thought it was because our dog likes to roll around on her back so we thought maybe it was a certain weed in the backyard or something but the vet just said its common and thats why they have the Hot Spot formula.

Dog lose hair?

I can't say why the dog is losing hair but I would recommend buying a Zoom Groom--it's made by Kong Toys. It's a rubber brush with big fat rubber bristles that lift hair out by magnetism. Plus, it's a great massage for the dog. They cost about $10

Dog lose hair?

Maybe she should have a skin scrape for demodex mites. Her immune system may normally be enough to combat this but the change in weather might cause an increase in the mites in her skin. If the hair loss isnt that bad maybe the dog is just a severe shedder before her full winter coat

Dog lose hair?

the only thing i can think of is that now the owners have probably turned the heat on, and if its an indoor dog it might be getting too hot (you said it only lasts a few months, like until spring when the heater goes off again??)

my old dog used to just lose hair in globs as soon as the heat came on, it was like tumble weeds going across the floor!!

Dog lose hair?

Dogs can have seasonal allergies just like people- she could be reacting to the changes in allergens in the air and on the ground. Many dogs are actually allergic to oak leaves and start having problems when they start to fall. She could even just be moulting off-season for some reason. As long as it doesn't cause her distress, it shouldn't be anything to worry about.

Dog lose hair?

yes this is regular for dogs

Dog lose hair?

Dry skin in the winter time. My dog used to rip out her hair because she was itchy. We gave her cod liver oil pills orally.

You could probably rub some vitamin E oil, not cream, on the areas that are balding. 400IU clear capsuules can be broken open for single use. It is totally edible so if the dog licks it, it is not poisionous.

Good luck and I hope this advice helps.

Dog lose hair?

they can lose hair, but it depends if they are shedding or not...if the dog is shedding this normal so don't worry about it. if your dog is losing excessive amounts of hair then you should see a vet

Dog lose hair?

It is perfectly normal for a dog to shed hair especially at a certain time of the year. New skin cells and hair replaces the old coat and hence the excessive shedding. To ensure a healthy. new coat, mix the dogs food with fish oil (even the oil that you fry your fish in will be a suitable substitute). My vet recommended this for my dogs (German shepards).

Dog lose hair?

Yes, even in the south it is normal for a dog to periodically lose a lot of coat and grow in new.

Dog lose hair?

Are saying the dog gets bald spots or just naturally shedding. My Lab sheds all year round.

More than 50 strands hair lost after bathing?

Hi recently for the past 1 mth or 2, i noticed that i've been losing alot of hair esp after drying my hair. When i comb through my hair, more than 50 strands are on the floor!! My diet hasn't changed. What could be the reason? I had a dengue episode last september. Could this be the reason? Pls help.. my hair is already quite thin, i can't afford losing more hair!

More than 50 strands hair lost after bathing?

Ok. You don't have much time if you can't afford losing anymore hair.. Quickly and go see a doctor!!

More than 50 strands hair lost after bathing?

see docter

More than 50 strands hair lost after bathing?

We lose alot of hair a day... spesh people with long hair, but if your hair is thin i think you would be best going to see a doctor asap

i'm sure it will be ok

good luck babes. x

More than 50 strands hair lost after bathing?

You can help reduce the effects of hair loss from stress, trauma, shock or illness by increasing your intake of vitamin C found in fresh fruits and vegetables, particularly citrus fruit and juices, parsley, broccoli, green peppers and black currants.

Take a vitamin B complex everyday or brewers yeast. Increase your intake of protein found in meat, fish, liver, wheat germ, dried cooked beans and peas, tofu, cheese, milk and eggs.

here you may find some more ways to stop hair loss:

More than 50 strands hair lost after bathing?

check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:-- Hairloss/Hairfall

What does coconut oil do for your hair? does it make it stronger so it wont fall easily?

what does coconut oil do for your hair? does it make it stronger so you wont lose hair easily?

What does coconut oil do for your hair? does it make it stronger so it wont fall easily?

I've never heard of that, but it softens and conditions.

What does coconut oil do for your hair? does it make it stronger so it wont fall easily?

Any oil massage is good for your hair as it strengthens and stimulates hair growth. Rub oil into the scalp. Wring out a towel in hot water and wrap it on the head. Keep it on for 15 minutes. Shampoo and dry well. Check out for more info.

What does coconut oil do for your hair? does it make it stronger so it wont fall easily?

check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:-- At home Hot oil treatment recipes

What does coconut oil do for your hair? does it make it stronger so it wont fall easily?

Discover the health benefits of coconut oil at:

Do you have any tips to curb hair from dropping? i'm losing mine at an alarming rate, esp when

Dr. report that folic acid enhances hair growth. High protein intake will also help. Are you stressed? Try to relax. I know it is hard...but sit in a quiet room, or outside(weather permitting), put your feet up and think of nothing for an hour. Deep breathing exercises and a good diet. Hypertension will cause a LOT of inbalances and upset the norm. Try to get back to the norm. Good health to you!

Do you have any tips to curb hair from dropping? i'm losing mine at an alarming rate, esp when i shower.?

Well, let's see...There are specific vitamins for hair %26amp; nail growth. Go to a health food store and ask the clerk for help in finding these. Also: keep your hair clean but DO NOT use hot water on your head, make it warm and cold is OK.

Do you have any tips to curb hair from dropping? i'm losing mine at an alarming rate, esp when i shower.?

it is normal to lose 50 to 80 hairs a day. anything after that could be many of things. meds, stress, color. nioxin is a great shampoo for hair loss.

As men get older, why do they lose hair on their heads, but hair starts growing from their ears &

so he will not think he is young again so stay away from them young girls

As men get older, why do they lose hair on their heads, but hair starts growing from their ears %26amp; other places

all has to do with the hormones.

As men get older, why do they lose hair on their heads, but hair starts growing from their ears %26amp; other places

because all the hair from their head travels to their backs lol!

As men get older, why do they lose hair on their heads, but hair starts growing from their ears %26amp; other places

It doesn't recede, it goes in, then comes out other places...

As men get older, why do they lose hair on their heads, but hair starts growing from their ears %26amp; other places

yeah, weird isn't it?

As men get older, why do they lose hair on their heads, but hair starts growing from their ears %26amp; other places

Its a hormonal thing, its where the body need more hair in the nose and ears to protect them from viruses and bacteria!


As men get older, why do they lose hair on their heads, but hair starts growing from their ears %26amp; other places

its a genetic thing. some men are born with the gene that will keep them from going bald and others are not. Balding is a dominant trait. the reason why it starts to fall out and not grow back is becuase the hair is thining and getting weaker. when it gets too weak it doesnt grow back.

As men get older, why do they lose hair on their heads, but hair starts growing from their ears %26amp; other places

My dad explained this to me. He said when you get older you don't see as well. So you grow long hair out your ears and that acts as 'curb feelers'. A cat uses its whiskers to 'gage' a hole, to see if it can climb through it. Dad said old men use their ear hair that way, when going through a door, for instance, to feel for the edges.

As men get older, why do they lose hair on their heads, but hair starts growing from their ears %26amp; other places

i feel the hair gets too old and tired, to go to the head, so it stops at nose and ears.

As men get older, why do they lose hair on their heads, but hair starts growing from their ears %26amp; other places

you lose it from u-turns under the sheets, and butting against the headboard. if you can get her/him to pull on your ears, it won't grow there either.

As men get older, why do they lose hair on their heads, but hair starts growing from their ears %26amp; other places

Oh yes. And its always the most embarrassing places. Ears, neck, eyebrows. It's a constant battle.

As men get older, why do they lose hair on their heads, but hair starts growing from their ears %26amp; other places

Wisdom hairs. Also, when you have too much wisdom to store in your brain, it settles around your waist. OK?

As men get older, why do they lose hair on their heads, but hair starts growing from their ears %26amp; other places

why before 400-500 years there were very few bald people u know why because of our shitty water we get for our head and the ******** food that has a chemical POHCH that makes ur hair fall like the chemicals in the hamburger u eat in the restaurant they put stuff to make the Burger last longer

As men get older, why do they lose hair on their heads, but hair starts growing from their ears %26amp; other places

Gravity, it's pulling it down. If you live long enough, your whole body goes bald except for your toes. You will be able to style the hair on them.

Hair lose for for almost 7 mons???

I been losing alot of hair since my baby is 5 months old and now he is 1yr already...and my hair problem doest stop..I didnt remember that I lost this much of hair when I have my first child..My husband told me mybe because Im stress...Is that possible? Pls help me Im really worried

Hair lose for for almost 7 mons???

I had the same problem for about a year after the birth of my daughter.(My hair would fall out in clumps, %26amp; brushing was the worst!) Though stress can be a contributing factor, more than likely this has to do with your diet. And if you have been losing weight at a rapid pace that only increases the chances of hair loss. You often hear of anorexics having problems with hair falling out. Now I am not suggesting that you are anorexic by any means but rapid weight loss %26amp; lack of necessary nutrients are common causes of hair breakage or hair loss. If your nails have become very brittle as well, then there's your answer. I would suggest taking a daily multi vitamin. Also this could just be a sign of your body readjusting to its pre-pregnant state. While pregnant %26amp; for months afterwards, we are flooded with an excess amount of estrogen %26amp; other hormones which is why many women have exceptional hair %26amp; nail growth during pregnancy. Once those excess hormones start to leave,it only makes sense that some women may experience adverse effects. I would suggest eating healthy balanced meals, drinking plenty of water, a daily vitamin regimen %26amp; as much rest as you can possibly fit into an evening. If this doesnt help within a month or so, I would see a doctor just to rule out any of the more serious possibilities. Congratulations on the birth of your son by the way.

Hair lose for for almost 7 mons???

Yes hair loss is quite frequent when you are stressed.

Hair lose for for almost 7 mons???

When you have a baby your hormones are upset it takes about a year before you are back to rights..being stressed also doesn't help;;alopecia is common ..see your doctor ..he may be able to give you a tonic that stops you being stressed..also he can tell if there is some underlying reason for your loss of hair..e;g calcium lose lots of calcium as this is steered towards milk for the baby..hope all is well ..frank..

Is Easy Straight bad for your hair?

Have you used the product Easy Straight? I heard it doesn't do as much harm to you hair as much asa straightening iron..but i'm not sure..i dont want to lose hair when i grow up =/ help?

Is Easy Straight bad for your hair?

Do not use it ! I have read allot of horror stories about it.

Is Easy Straight bad for your hair?

There was some type of law suit going on over Easy Straight. There was a bunch of women involved with it. I read it on line some where. A bunch of women had hair that was fried and breaking off at the scalp. Report It

Is Easy Straight bad for your hair?

let me know if it works. I don't know

Is Easy Straight bad for your hair?

you won't loose your hair, but if you use it often you wil fry your hair

Is Easy Straight bad for your hair?

its not bad

Is Easy Straight bad for your hair?

Applying chemicals that alter your hair like perms, straghtening treatments and color are all damaging. Also keep in mind when your hair grows back in it will be curly. I would say buy a straightener. Just when using a straightener be sure to run a product through your hair as a protective barrier before using the straightener.

Why did ryan sheckler cut his hair? I heard something about losing a bet. does anyone know?

I was just curious to the reason.

Why did ryan sheckler cut his hair? I heard something about losing a bet. does anyone know?

Yeah lost a bet and ahd to put gum in it.

An dit got so tuck he ahd to egt it cut and he decided on a fo-hawk

I looks awfull, no?

Why did ryan sheckler cut his hair? I heard something about losing a bet. does anyone know?

I don't know. But then again, I didn't know he cut his hair...

Why did ryan sheckler cut his hair? I heard something about losing a bet. does anyone know?

my one friend i think mentioned something about getting gum stuck in it, but that sounds pretty ridiculous, so i don't know if that's true as i'm not an avid follower.

Why did ryan sheckler cut his hair? I heard something about losing a bet. does anyone know?

i dont know the reason. why dont you google it. All i know is that hes not so sexy anymore. when i saw a picture of him i almost cried. That was an exageration but still. why???

Why did ryan sheckler cut his hair? I heard something about losing a bet. does anyone know?

looks better long!

Why did ryan sheckler cut his hair? I heard something about losing a bet. does anyone know?

i dont know! it makes me mad though he was SOOO much hotter with his hair longer...

Why did ryan sheckler cut his hair? I heard something about losing a bet. does anyone know?

my friends and i were all wondering the same thing!

he's not as cute anymore!!


How can i make my hair stronger and silky without losing a single one?

When there is nothing to lose.. there will be nothing to lose

How can i make my hair stronger and silky without losing a single one?

Use sunsilk velvety soft shampoo n conditioner,itz really gud,try.....!

How can i make my hair stronger and silky without losing a single one?

Don't use anything....this way u'll loose all your hair except the one u r talking about..

How can i make my hair stronger and silky without losing a single one?

If I can suggest something, I would suggest you try a hot oil treatment....for a cheaper way to have great soft and silky hair with less frizzies, warm up some olive oil (regular cooking stuff) in the microwave and massage it into your hair while it is dry. Wrap it up in a warm towel from the drier and sit for an hour or so. Maybe give yourself a facial at the same time. Then get in the shower, and shampoo out all the oil (because water won't get the oil out--oil and water don't mix) and then condition your hair. Viola! Beautiful silky hair.

The most key thing to protecting your locks is to stay away from all heat. Yep, that means no hairdrier, no straightner, no curling iron either....It's very hard not to advert to these products but just try it for a week. Don't blow dry your hair for a week....try it. I know it's hard not to but if you stay away from things with heat such as blow driers, curling irons, straightners, will notice a HUGE change in the feel and look of your hair. It will be so much more healthy.

How can i make my hair stronger and silky without losing a single one?

Wash it every 3-4 dayz. And use soft/silky type of shampoo...ull have change in a week!

How can i cope with severe hair loss? i have been to the doctors and they say its iron deficiency?

I am a female 20 yrs old. Its really hard to lose hair at my age .. and it be so obvious .... wide parting on all parts of my head. The doctor said my hair will grow back but its been a year now. I have been trying to hide it by changing styles but its just to obvious now. I feel down because there are some horrible girls in my class that have been making digs behind my back.

How can i cope with severe hair loss? i have been to the doctors and they say its iron deficiency?

eat dirt (significant source of iron) red american is best

How can i cope with severe hair loss? i have been to the doctors and they say its iron deficiency?

those girls in your class are stupid

dont let them get you down

at least you aren't completely bald

i hope your hair grows back

How can i cope with severe hair loss? i have been to the doctors and they say its iron deficiency?

check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:-- Hairloss/Hairfall

Vitamins for Hair Loss/growth

Does dr. miracle's temple nd nape balm really work? my hair is long and natural but im losing t

ive got nice average length hair and its natural and very soft. i like to wear hair extensions alot and over the few years my hair at the front has had growth problems. its not growing very much and i seem to have some bald patches at the front and i think my hair line is receeding. does dr. miracles temple and nape balm work well for this aswell??

Does dr. miracle's temple nd nape balm really work? my hair is long and natural but im losing the front.?

I have short, relaxed hair, but my temple and nape have been increasingly thinning. I'm in the process of growing my hair out and my hairdresser suggested this product to speed up the process (she uses it as well). I bought it right after my hair appointment. I get my hair trimmed every week and a half. From the day I started using this product to the my next hair appointment, my hairdresser went from looking at no hair to actually having to trim the hair on the nape of my neck with scissors!! I continue to use this product and HIGHLY reccommend it. Good luck!

Does dr. miracle's temple nd nape balm really work? my hair is long and natural but im losing the front.?

I have heard that it works pretty good. Another popular one is the spot serum, where it makes certain spots should give it a try.

Every time I wash my hair I lose handfulls of it any sugestions?

I am a true redhead and every time i wash my hair I lose handfulls of it I have tried carrot and olive oil treatments, strengthening shampoo, not shampooing and even dry shampoos but nothing has helped anyone have any ideas how to at least stop losing as much hair please help!

Every time I wash my hair I lose handfulls of it any sugestions?

You may be having trouble with your thyriod. Have your dr. test your TSH (thyriod stimulating hormone) it is a simple blood test. If your thyroid is not functioning correctly it can cause hair loss as well as fatigue, loss of libido, weight gain dispite of dieting, and other symptoms.

Every time I wash my hair I lose handfulls of it any sugestions?

If you are stressing a lot you may lose it because you have alopecia. Its a condition that you lose all of your hair all over your body if you stress to much.

Every time I wash my hair I lose handfulls of it any sugestions?

the only thing you can do is keep chagning shampoos until you find the good one

Every time I wash my hair I lose handfulls of it any sugestions?

Its Because you are stressed out.

Every time I wash my hair I lose handfulls of it any sugestions?

hair loss. you should consult a doctor about it cause in some people, it's normal while some it's not.

most likely, it's because of strong shampoo, or when you rub your scalp a bit too hard while shampooing, or too tight ponytails.

Every time I wash my hair I lose handfulls of it any sugestions?

It's totally normal to lose alot of hair, when you don't wash your hair you probably lose it by brushing it.

There's no need to panic until you're losing ALOT of hair, in which case go visit your doctor to make sure you don't have alopecia

Every time I wash my hair I lose handfulls of it any sugestions?

Its normal to loose a lot of hair in the shower I probably loose enough to make a wig. Try brushing your hair before and it wont seem as bad. Only be concerned if you start to see bald spots.

Every time I wash my hair I lose handfulls of it any sugestions?

a healthy person loses about 100 strands of hair a day- that's normal- this will increase if you are lacking vitamins and or you are stressed

Every time I wash my hair I lose handfulls of it any sugestions?

If you do not have any bald patches then the chances are you are just losing the normal amount of hair. Since you are a red head you will notice the loss more. I have long thick hair and every time i wash it it comes out in handfuls too! But i havent got any bald patches. Dont worry this sounds like normal hair loss. I think on average we lose around 200 and 300 hairs per day but if our hair is long or thick it will seem like more.

Every time I wash my hair I lose handfulls of it any sugestions?

Its not the color of your hair that is the problem. It could be caused by heredity, but if it keeps coming back in gain loss cycles, then it could be stress. The same thing kept happening to me when I discovered that it was a type of dermatitis that I had to treat with common dandruff shampoo. If I dont shampoo with that every other day, the hair loss comes back. It could be caused by something more serious. When someone is ill, sometimes hair loss can be a symptom.

Every time I wash my hair I lose handfulls of it any sugestions?

hey use natural products put on the good hair oil before taking bath cover it with plastic cap mean while or put on the oil after brushing teeth in the morning so you don't breath dirty on anything like oil.then have coffee and other cleanups now you are fast but ready to wash your hair ever morning or so.some body i know she got her hair back and shine too.

What are the side effects of straightening your hair ?Are all the things that we hear about hair los

I have heard that regular straightening of ur hair makes it break and you lose hair.Is it true?Any share their experience...................

What are the side effects of straightening your hair ?Are all the things that we hear about hair loss true?

That depends on if you're referring to flat ironing your hair on a regular basis, or if you're referring to a chemical process to straighten your hair. I've done both and my hair does get dry and require more frequent trims, but never hair lose.

The flat iron does dry your hair out a lot. If you intend on using one I've found the best thing to do is use a shampoo and conditioner that super moisturize your hair, and right after the shower use a leave in conditioner. If at all possible let your hair air dry as much as you can and blow dry what's still wet. They make a great blow dryer with a comb attachment that works great. Make sure your hair is TOTALLY dry or you risk hair damage. Then work in sections with the flat iron to get all the waves/curls out.

If you intend on using a chemical process, there is a great product called Easy Straight for at home use... but do not try it if you're not good at at home things like that. And if you do use it, do NOT leave it on any longer than what the directions say!!! It will not make your hair straighter only cause damage. For people with really curly hair you may just end up with less curl and frizz... but I repeat, don't leave it on longer. After the treatment take very good care of your hair by conditioning and using leave in conditioner and don't use heat on it till the package says so.

Hope that helps!

What are the side effects of straightening your hair ?Are all the things that we hear about hair loss true?

I haven't had hair loss per say, but I have had breakage, so I've had to cut my hair shorter - it makes it very, very dry. Mine broke a lot after I colored it too-so I wouldn't recommend multiple types of treatments within months of each other.

What are the side effects of straightening your hair ?Are all the things that we hear about hair loss true?

If you straighten it too much, it will first thin out then eventually it will break off into split ends. I'm not quite sure that you'll lose the hair, it will just get really thin and dead. Personal experience - straightened my hair two days in a row for graduation and now a month later I had to get 6 inches cut off because my hair was so dead and not used to it. Basically the straightener burns your hair. There are some shampoos that might revitalize it a little bit, but your only 100% bet is to cut it off if you get dead ends.

What are the side effects of straightening your hair ?Are all the things that we hear about hair loss true?

Yes it is.

In fitfh grade I straightened my hair alot every day, and it kept cutting off, so finally I shaved it all off into liek a black boys haircut.

It looked wierd.

What happens is the heat is HORRIBLE for your hair, even though hair is already dead. It is the same as frying a piece of food. You end up getting crazy Kentucky Friend Hair.

What are the side effects of straightening your hair ?Are all the things that we hear about hair loss true?

depends on our hair...i have realy thick healthy hair that doesnt get affected att all basically cause i have been straightening my hair everyday for 3 years and im still doing it ...nothing has doesnt thin or burn....dont use stay in-conditioner while straighting ur hair its bad

What are the side effects of straightening your hair ?Are all the things that we hear about hair loss true?

check this a guy and ie been straighting my hair every 2 weeks to a month and a dyeing it at about the same rate for about 20 years and i still have a good head of hair i think its all in your genes .......i do it because i was in a band and am still a freaky sombytch.......

What are the side effects of straightening your hair ?Are all the things that we hear about hair loss true?

i straighten my hair alot, and its perfectly healthy, and if something goes wrong with yours then there are shampoos to reastore it such as dove and head and shoulders...those work great!

What are the side effects of straightening your hair ?Are all the things that we hear about hair loss true?

good question! First how Are you straightening your hair? Are you using a straightening chemical or a hot iron? with which ever process, especially the chemical straightener, extreme care must be given to your hair and scalp. If you're using chemical, don't be scratching your scalp a day or so before the treatment. After the process keep you hair moisturized at all times, allowing the hair to dry out encourages split ends and unnecessary breakage. Keep in mind when you take the hair out of its natural state it's going to need extra TLC.

What are the side effects of straightening your hair ?Are all the things that we hear about hair loss true?

It depends on which method you use and how often you straighten. Frequent styling of you hair is sure to cause damage any way. You need to make sure you are properly conditioning your hair.

What are the side effects of straightening your hair ?Are all the things that we hear about hair loss true?

your ends split and it becomes thinner.. but dove advanced something in a blue bottle gets rid of split ends!! and you ahve ti straighten your hair alot for it to get thin

Can snorting Ketamine can lead to hair loss ?

I am addict to a drug call "Ketamine", and I am a man 32 years old. I noticed a lot of hair loss since 1 year, the time I start using Ketamine. Is it possible that this drug make you lose hair ?

Can snorting Ketamine can lead to hair loss ?

Well, it causes brain damage in rats. I would imagine it COULD cause hair loss, as the brain controls other stuff in your body.

Can snorting Ketamine can lead to hair loss ?

I've never heard of such a thing nor seen it among K users. So it's probably just coincidence, some people naturally start losing hair around that age!

I've known people who were really really addicted to K and they never had this problem at all... They were girls mind you, and younger. But if it were because of the K it probably still would have affected them.

The only problems I've known K users to have are ulcers, kidney (?) stones, and sinus/nose problems.

Can snorting Ketamine can lead to hair loss ?

very possible indeed, but I would be more worried about what is going on in the lungs, myself!!!

Can snorting Ketamine can lead to hair loss ?

Are you kidding me? Hair loss is your major concern? Get your head out of your @@@ and quit using drugs. Keep doing drugs and hair loss wont be your biggest problem. And once you remove head from @@@ you may say hair growth improvement.

Can snorting Ketamine can lead to hair loss ?

I agree with Fruit.

Trying to find a medical study on the subject, I could not find any. However, I did discover that many animal experiments for treating hair loss use ketamine as an anesthetic--if there was evidence that ketamine promotes hair loss, I imagine they would be using something different.

Can snorting Ketamine can lead to hair loss ?

OMG i am so sorry for your shituation

get off that ish please!

i dont know but that sounds like it could be it, especially if it isn't baldness runnin in the family kinda thing

don't throw your life away

but isn't it strange people will ruin their bodies without a care until vanity sets in. . . .

Why cats loose alot of hair?

young 1 year and 1/2 old cat loosing her hair alot! eats good very active, never lost hair this much b-fore.

Why cats loose alot of hair?

could be heat, poor nutrition (Science Diet, Iams, etc... better than regular cat food), has it been going outside or getting into anything, if nothing else call the vet and they should tell you answer over the phone

Why cats loose alot of hair?

You will notice as the seasons change so will your cats coat. In the winter their coat is thick and in the summer time they will shed all that thick hair. It's normal,the cats adapt for the season don't worry too much about it.

Why cats loose alot of hair?

It could be due to it being summer, she is getting rid of the ''winter coat'', or she is not getting the nutrients she needs....or there could be an underlyin' health problem.

There are many reasons for excessive shedding.

Why cats loose alot of hair?

those are both right also because of malnutrition(give it some vitamins ;])

Why cats loose alot of hair?

Two reasons: 1) Cats MOLT (not the proper word) during the year.. that is, they shed more at some times of the year than others; 2) High protein diet is best for a cat to reduce the shedding.. other than that. it is NORMAL for a cat to shed

Why cats loose alot of hair?

It could be just normal summer shedding. Or there could be a health problem. Since you say your cat is eating well and is active, I wouldn't worry much about the latter- though you may want to check for parasites.

Why cats loose alot of hair?

not all cats lose hair it could be a sign of a undernourished cat.

Why cats loose alot of hair?

yea, mine does that too, it gets annoying, cause I constantly have to vacumm, they just getting rid of their dead hair, and growing new hair, just like us, my cat does that and now her furr looks shiny.

Why cats loose alot of hair?

There are numerous reasons why cats might lose hair... excessive scratching, the stress of living with one or more dogs, or small children with electric shavers. In some rare cases, it might also be attributed to balding men who can't afford toupees.

Why cats loose alot of hair?

Sometimes it can be poor nutrition.

Is it true that eatting tv dinners can make you lose hair when you grow up?

Is it true that eatting tv dinners can make you lose hair when you grow up? The chemicals that keep it frozen or something...

Is it true that eatting tv dinners can make you lose hair when you grow up?

it's the preservatives in it, i reckon

Is it true that eatting tv dinners can make you lose hair when you grow up?


Is it true that eatting tv dinners can make you lose hair when you grow up?


Is it true that eatting tv dinners can make you lose hair when you grow up?

I've never heard of that. Surely there are a lot of chemicals in them, preservatives and what not for taste purposes. I know that, according to my doctor, they can raise cholesterol levels and are high in sodium. Umm, wonder if that's why I'm loosing hair, since I eat frozen entrees for lunch most every day. But then, I'm in my 60s, so a little hair loss might be expected. Do you think.

Is it true that eatting tv dinners can make you lose hair when you grow up?

Not directly from eating them.If you have to eat them all the time though it may cause you to pull your hair out

Is it true that eatting tv dinners can make you lose hair when you grow up?

Absolutely not!!

Hi can anyone recommend a hair removal cream or wax that doesnt hurt as i cant stand pain?

yeah i want to look better for the summer and i need to lose hair from me arms and legs but whats the painless was to do it? ive seen varios products on tv like where you rub it in like cream then while you shower you rinse it off but does it work on mens hair? any help will be appreciated and can you tell me the products name thx

Hi can anyone recommend a hair removal cream or wax that doesnt hurt as i cant stand pain?

here is what you want to matter what you wax with it will always be a little painful. so stick with the veet. it has a rubber razor with it. it leaves your skin silky soft too. in between using the veet, use a pumice stone in the shower on your legs and arms and wherever else you want the hair gone. using a pumice stone will help keep the hair softer, gone longer, and lighter in color. trust me this is my routine when i am in the shower. i think you will be pleasantly surprised

Hi can anyone recommend a hair removal cream or wax that doesnt hurt as i cant stand pain?


Hi can anyone recommend a hair removal cream or wax that doesnt hurt as i cant stand pain?

i know exactly what! theres this lotion by Sally Hasen and you put in on, leave it on for a few and then wipe it off with the hair. or you could get electrolisis

Hi can anyone recommend a hair removal cream or wax that doesnt hurt as i cant stand pain?

Nair has never worked for me. Shaving is best IMO, or getting a professional wax, though it is very painful.

Hi can anyone recommend a hair removal cream or wax that doesnt hurt as i cant stand pain?


Hi can anyone recommend a hair removal cream or wax that doesnt hurt as i cant stand pain?

Veet. I know someone with sensitive skin who uses Veet and it's gentler on her skin than Nair.

Hi can anyone recommend a hair removal cream or wax that doesnt hurt as i cant stand pain?

i would try Nair, its easy and dosent hurt. If not nair, their is some new kind of cream that should be right next to it in any local store.

Hi can anyone recommend a hair removal cream or wax that doesnt hurt as i cant stand pain?

nair for men, use the cream not the roll on thing. works well with no burn

Hi can anyone recommend a hair removal cream or wax that doesnt hurt as i cant stand pain?

nair. but it stings a bit if you have sensitive skin so buy nair pretty for sensitive skin...i know it's for gals but just try it out. if it can get rid of my leg hair you'll be bald!!

Hi can anyone recommend a hair removal cream or wax that doesnt hurt as i cant stand pain?

Nair works really well, it doesn't hurt. When you wash it off, it leaves your skin feeling really smooth.

Hi can anyone recommend a hair removal cream or wax that doesnt hurt as i cant stand pain?

Shave or use veet. *cough* pansy *cough*

Hi can anyone recommend a hair removal cream or wax that doesnt hurt as i cant stand pain?

Nads or Hair no more.These will work.

Hi can anyone recommend a hair removal cream or wax that doesnt hurt as i cant stand pain?

Nair is painless and works just fine. However, it cannot be used on the face or in the genital area. You can buy it at Target, drugstores, Walmart. You may have to use it twice if you've a lot of hair. It stinks BTW.

I have a bumb on my head that has resulted in me losing a patch of my hair on that bump. What's

i had a major nosebleed about a day before this bump formed and a friend told me that it may be a blood vessel bursting. But i highly doubt this.

I have a bumb on my head that has resulted in me losing a patch of my hair on that bump. What's this bumb from


I have a bumb on my head that has resulted in me losing a patch of my hair on that bump. What's this bumb from


Rubbing honey on scalp prevents hair loss?

Im starting to lose hair at the temples and was wondering if honey used topically had any effects or benefits against hair loss

Rubbing honey on scalp prevents hair loss?

I've never heard of honey making the hair grow back. But massaging the scalp will because it brings the blood to the surface to feed the hair root.

Rubbing honey on scalp prevents hair loss?

well if nothing else it should help hold the falling hair in place.

Rubbing honey on scalp prevents hair loss?

I've been through this so I know how it feels. I'm not sure honey works but washing your hair frequently without using shampoo can minimize the fall. I tried using mild moisturizing soap like Dove and it helped me in a way. Eat right, sleep right, don't worry much and you will be fine.

Is Anyone Else Annoyed By Commercials For Hair Loss Cures?

I'm not going bald but i am a guy in my 20's, so i know that possibility is definitely there. But i see these commercials, which come on about once every ten minutes, for hair transplant surgery and other supposed cures and i have to believe these commercials are making so many men feel bad about themselves. They make it seem like you are loser if you have no hair which is so clearly bullshit. I know when i lose hair, i won't want constant reminders of it or told that it is a huge deal that is nearly impossible to live with. These fear mongers piss me off. How about anyone else?

Is Anyone Else Annoyed By Commercials For Hair Loss Cures?

Haha, I couldn't help but laugh at what you said.

Although I'm only 17, and I have no family members who have ever gone bald (in fact, they have a LOT of hair), I can see where you are coming from.

I have the same feelings towards commercials that advertise weight-loss. It's no wonder there's so many anorexic people these days!

Is it common for Guinea pigs to lose hair behind there ears?

1 of my Guinea Pigs is 8 months old, and the other is about 4 month's old. Both of them are starting to lose hair behind there ears. The one who is 8 months old has big spots on both of her ears is that common?

Is it common for Guinea pigs to lose hair behind there ears?


Is it common for Guinea pigs to lose hair behind there ears?

yes, if they use the iPod too much

Is it common for Guinea pigs to lose hair behind there ears?

se lo perdio??

Is it common for Guinea pigs to lose hair behind there ears?

ya they do seem to lose some hair behind their ears. Otherwise it could be too much iching due to dry skin (if you bathe them a lot) or check for mights (little white bugs on their hair) But as long as they don't continue to lose hair anywhere else you shouldn't have anything to worry about

Is it common for Guinea pigs to lose hair behind there ears?

mine got this its not normal it was fungal infection we paid over 鎷?0 at vets and it didn't work.go to chemist get cannistan fungal cream rub it between your fingers to warm it up and apply every day till a couple of weeks after it has gone and hair starts to grow back.wash your hands in between doing both pigs as its infectious also wash your hands when you have finished cos you don't want a fungal infection either i found this remedy on web site and it works i will never go vets with the problem again cos their treatment didn't work in fact one of our pigs was so bad it bled and it kept scratching it and making it work they are all totally clear now good luck

Is it common for Guinea pigs to lose hair behind there ears?

Sounds like ear mites.

Check at the pet store in your area or call a vet for medicine. Good luck!

Is it common for Guinea pigs to lose hair behind there ears?

Yes. It is normal for GPs to lose hair around the ears. Here is what I found on a website ( 'this website has other very useful answers') --%26gt;These Bald spots are referred to as "the hairless areas" (Curtis sine pilis) and are usually about 1 to 1.5 cm in diameter. As a rule, no hairs grow in this region, however, sometimes a few scattered hairs may be present. The hairless area is larger in albino pigs and in colored animals the skin is usually more darkly pigmented than the remaining skin. The area not only lacks hair, but is also free of sweat and sebaceous glands."

Is it common for Guinea pigs to lose hair behind there ears?

That is completely normal. These Bald spots are referred to as "the hairless areas" and are usually about 1 to 1.5 cm in diameter. Normally as a rule, no hairs grow in this region, though sometimes a few scattered hairs may be present. The hairless area is larger in albino pigs.

If the hair loss was anywhere but behind the ears then it could have been a number of things and they would have needed to see the vet. As it is everything is completely normal and nothing for you to worry about.

I got my pure breed Quarter horse in march. He lost his baby hair 1 m after that. How old is he??

I got my colt in March. He still had baby hair, white. He is palomino now. How old would he be? how old do they lose baby hair? in the winter round that time?

I got my pure breed Quarter horse in march. He lost his baby hair 1 m after that. How old is he??

They will lose their baby hair in the spring after their first winter. All you can really tell from this is that he is about a year old, but he may have been born in March or in July, or anywhere in between. (or before, or after). He is a yearling. Sorry I can not tell you his birthday. Did you not get registration papers with him? How do you know he is pure bred? His birthdate will be on his registration papers.

I got my pure breed Quarter horse in march. He lost his baby hair 1 m after that. How old is he??

If he is registered his papers would state his dob.

I got my pure breed Quarter horse in march. He lost his baby hair 1 m after that. How old is he??

if he is purebred the papers would say his age...

a vet can tell by looking at his teeth...

I would assume he is a yearling becuase he probably wouldnt have been weaned in march already if born this year....

I got my pure breed Quarter horse in march. He lost his baby hair 1 m after that. How old is he??

Horses usually lose thier "baby hair" during the first spring shedding, so your horse could really be anywhere from a year old down to four or five months old. It's impossible to tell. Checking his teeth would give you a better estimate.

1 week old boxer puppy's tail lost hair and is raw. Please help!?

Our boxer puppies are 1 week old. 5 days ago they had their tails cropped (which was advised by our vet.) Today one of them lost all of her hair on her tail and it looks very raw and irritated. I cannot get her into the vet until tomorrow and I am unable to reach anybody. Should I put neosporin on it? I was told by our vet to put neosporin on their umbilical cords, and I wasn't sure if maybe I should on the tail as well. Please help! don't want her to get an infection or be in pain.

1 week old boxer puppy's tail lost hair and is raw. Please help!?

At only 1 week, her mother is going to be licking her quite a lot. For that reason, you should only put a little neosporin on the tail. It's not going to hurt the mom to ingest a small amount of the ointment and it will ease any discomfort the pup is feeling. By the way, puppies don't feel much at this early age, so she isn't in great pain. But, you are right to get her to the vet asap.

1 week old boxer puppy's tail lost hair and is raw. Please help!?

Back Yard Breeders are the best...

Make an appointment, and call your Vet and ask what to do in the meantime.

1 week old boxer puppy's tail lost hair and is raw. Please help!?

put ice on it rapied in a fresh clean towl try to keep her calm just try not to let her get to activ or she could get an efection and keep a watchfull eye on her.

1 week old boxer puppy's tail lost hair and is raw. Please help!?

see a vet it may be a mite that lives the the hair follicles of dogs can be treated the vet will probably want to skin scrape it and look under the microscope to see any evidence of mites

How do I treat my horses itchy skin and hair loss.?

My horse has spots on him where he has lost hair, but not in large amounts....He gets little scabs on him and they get flaky and then he loses the hair.....I think it is a fungus but i cant be sure....i used a Medicated shampoo and it seemed to work then I found another spot on him....The scabs are crusty, and raised and are on mostly where his saddle sits and his legs and ankles....?mud fever? He had really dry itchy skin before the medicated shampoo, we called him "itchy scratchy"

Any help would be appreciated.

How do I treat my horses itchy skin and hair loss.?

Use betadine shampoo, it is medicated for antibacterial and antifungal purposes, then finish the bath with harts hydrocortiscone shampoo. Try currying and brushing him every day to activate oils in his coat this may help itching. Make sure it is not lice or mites and rain rot, mud/sweet itch or ring worm. You can try adding vegetable oil to his feed to get some fat in his diet and I believe Absorbine makes a spray on moisturizer for the coat. if he has naturally dry skin he may itch and scratching the skin introduces bacteria that may make it flake. Good Luck.

How do I treat my horses itchy skin and hair loss.?

He probably has rain rot. It is a fungus. Make sure to keep him brushed as much as possible, and bathe him with an iodine scrub. You can buy big bottles of it at feed stores.

How do I treat my horses itchy skin and hair loss.?

There are fungus washes for horses at the tack store. If it were happening to my horse, I would sure have the vet out. You could do Spring shots, too. I had a horse at a trainers and she got scabby sores from the cinch, which were cinch sores. I washed it and I forget what I put on it. I would also use Dr. Bronners Hemp Oil Soap from the natural food store. It has tea tree oil in it which is good for virus/bacteria/fungus. Dry very well after washing.

How do I treat my horses itchy skin and hair loss.?


It sounds like rain rot-- which is one of the most common skin infections seen in horses.


The organism that causes rain rot appears and multiplies in warm, damp conditions where high temperature and high humidity are present. This condition is not life-threatening, so don't worry.


While the horse has rain rot, anything that may rub and irritate the infected skin should be eliminated-- and you said that the rain rot was right around the saddle spot.

Make sure you try and treat it fast because; since the organism needs a warm, moist environment, it is likely that a secondary bacterial infection may become present. The most common secondary bacterial infections known are staphylococcus (staph), and streptococcus (strep). This is why it is very important to treat rain rot immediately, since any secondary bacterial infection may be even more resistant and difficult to treat

Dermatophilus congolensis grows better with a lack of oxygen. Since the organism doesn't like oxygen, you'll have to eliminate a the heavy hair coat (if your horse's hair is long and thick), and remove any scabs that hold the organism to the horse's skin.

It is not a good idea to use ointments on rain rot, since they hold moisture to the skin (and moisture needs to be removed for the condition to cease).

The best treatment is to wash the horse with antimicrobial and antibacterial shampoos and rinses. These medications help to kill the dermatophilus congolensis organism. If Betadine, Phenol or Nolvasan is used, you should continue applying them once a day for one week.


1. Keep the horse in a dry, clean area that is very well ventilated. Give the horse protection against biting insects. Separate the horse from any others that also have rain rot.

2. Use an antimicrobal shampoo that lathers well. Vigorously lather the horse, let sit for 10 minutes, then rinse. Be sure to follow with a conditioner that works well. Continue this for daily for 1 week.

3. Remove all scabs that are present. This is usually painful for the horse, so be gentle! The best way I have seen to remove these scabs is to temporarily moisten them (so they become soft and easy to remove). Be sure to dry the horse immediately after scab removal.

4. The organism in the horse's skin must be killed. This can be done by using any of the products listed below.

SEVERE CASES ONLY: for severe cases, antibiotics may be used. These include potassium penicillin, procaine penicillin G, sodium ampicillin, streptomycin or gentamycin. Immune-boosting drugs may also be needed for the horse's immune system to fight off the organism and heal. If your horse has a severe case of rain rot, make an appointment with your veterinarian and discuss the antibiotics listed above.

Here is good site that explains it a bit more: I pulled a bit of info from here and checked to see if it was accurate and it cleared =)

How do I treat my horses itchy skin and hair loss.?

Try shampoo with moisture in it.

How do I treat my horses itchy skin and hair loss.?

This sounds like rain scald. Here in Australia, all I do is put homebrand babyoil on the spots and they dissapear within a week. It is simple and works


How do I treat my horses itchy skin and hair loss.?

Sounds like rain scald. Mix baby oil with a bit of tea tree oil (the 'melaleuca alternifolia' one, not the other type), and wipe over the area. I only had to apply it once, but I managed to catch it early.

How do I treat my horses itchy skin and hair loss.?

It could be a number of things. As you said it could be mud fever. Another possibility is ringworm. I can't say for sure but get the vet or someone to check it out and once you know exactly what it is you can get shampoo or skin products to prevent the specific problem.

How do I treat my horses itchy skin and hair loss.?

Take a sample of his hair to your vet and have it see if it a fungus .it could be ran rot do you clean him good before you saddle up? Check your saddle and the pad maybe change what type of pad you use .Get a good medicated shampoo .Don't wash him so much while treating him and see if it'll clear up. Good luck

How do I treat my horses itchy skin and hair loss.?

check it out here.

Why would a dog lose hair only on his sides?

I agree with the other poster that you need to call the vet.\

But here are some theories:

1) The dog may be pulling it out himself (sensitive skin itches, etc.)

2) It may be falling out if his hormones are out of balance.

Why would a dog lose hair only on his sides?

No idea but maybe you should consult your vet ASAP

Why would a dog lose hair only on his sides?

Perhaps it's mange, or possibly allergic to flea bites??? My sister-in-law's dog lost the hair on his butt and sides and it was because of flea bites... he basically chewed himself raw in those areas.

Either way you should consult a vet.

Why would a dog lose hair only on his sides?

becuse he getting old

Why would a dog lose hair only on his sides?

My dog is losing his hair on his sides due to the fact that he constantly is scratching himself, biting himself, and rubbing against things. He has dry skin and is allergic to fleas. One flea on him drvies him nuts. I would consult the vet though in case it is something serious. At least give your dog a bath, it could only help.

Why would a dog lose hair only on his sides?

It's usually a skin irritation or allergy. My cairn terrier used to lose the hair on both hind quarters every spring. The vet treated him with allergy pills and anti-itch medicine like hydrocortisone. Also, a flea allergy can make them lose their hair where they've been bitten. You should take your dog to the vet, it may be very uncomfortable for him and the vet can give him some relief.

Why would a dog lose hair only on his sides?

He could have allergies that are only causing that area to itch and he is scratching the hair out. On the other hand it may could be that he has the MANGE...which is not good. Get him to a good Vet ASAP.

Why would a dog lose hair only on his sides?

Sounds like it could be sercoptic mange is the skin dry there a vet can do a skin scrap to test it and if it is you will have to get dips antibiotics etc

Why would a dog lose hair only on his sides?

It might be hotspots...does he chew his sides ? if he does they have stuff at the puppy shop called sour apple spray...its natural. if its not chewing...see your vet right away

Why would a dog lose hair only on his sides?

If he is not malnourished he may have fleas and be rubbing against rough things like trees.

Why would a dog lose hair only on his sides?

he is rubbing his sides on something. do you have a chain link fence? notice any wear patterns on trees in the yard?

Why would a dog lose hair only on his sides?

Several things could be happening, though a vet could tell you better which it is.

1) The dog is malnourished. That doesn't necessarily mean underfed: It only means that some needed nutrients are missing, either because they're not there or because he can't absorb him

2) The dog is sick.

3) The dog is suffering from allergies.

4) The dog could actually have some kind of skin condition.

In any case, you'll want to talk with a vet about it.

Good luck!

Why would a dog lose hair only on his sides?

have the vet check for a thyriod problem. do a free t4 and a total t check on the blood.

Why would a dog lose hair only on his sides?

I have have had two dobermans with this problem and have been to the vet on numerous occasions.My vet advised me that its called seasonal alopecia and that the hair can grow back at any time,but without seeing your dog i wouldn't like to say for sure.It started on my dogs like a small bald patch on both sides at the waist,the patches start getting bigger but not very big,theres no itching or redness and it doesn't bother them.At this moment in time im still waiting to see signs of the hair growing back,its been a few years now.So for your peace of mind i would ask your vets advice on this.Good luck.