Monday, November 16, 2009

Dog lose hair?

My friend has a chocolate lab that starts to lose her hair every November. She has no fleas or other pests. She has a clean bill of health from the vet. When she is taken outside, she is monitored closely. This only starts to happen in November and clears up in a couple of months.

The owners have changed her diet, and monitor everything that she comes in contact with and still cannot figure out why this happens this time every year.

Has anyone else had this kind of experience with their dog?

Dog lose hair?

Yes, i have had this problem with two of my dogs. Both dogs loose their hair in a patch around the end of their body on top where the tails starts. This is normal and it also happens to our dogs every year around November. There is a product you can get that is called Hot Spot, I got it at Petsmart but I am sure they sell it at almost every pet store. We just took our dogs to get their shots this year and our one dog that we still have got it again this year and the vet just says to put Hot Spot(pet brand) or Benadryl (human brand)on it. The vet also said that we could give the dog Benadryl pills to help stop the itching because sometimes the dog will pick at it because of the loss of hair. This year was the first time our dog kept picking at it and we give her Benadryl Allergy medicine in her food everyday and she doesnt scratch it anymore and her hair is growing back. The vet does not know what it is, we thought it was because our dog likes to roll around on her back so we thought maybe it was a certain weed in the backyard or something but the vet just said its common and thats why they have the Hot Spot formula.

Dog lose hair?

I can't say why the dog is losing hair but I would recommend buying a Zoom Groom--it's made by Kong Toys. It's a rubber brush with big fat rubber bristles that lift hair out by magnetism. Plus, it's a great massage for the dog. They cost about $10

Dog lose hair?

Maybe she should have a skin scrape for demodex mites. Her immune system may normally be enough to combat this but the change in weather might cause an increase in the mites in her skin. If the hair loss isnt that bad maybe the dog is just a severe shedder before her full winter coat

Dog lose hair?

the only thing i can think of is that now the owners have probably turned the heat on, and if its an indoor dog it might be getting too hot (you said it only lasts a few months, like until spring when the heater goes off again??)

my old dog used to just lose hair in globs as soon as the heat came on, it was like tumble weeds going across the floor!!

Dog lose hair?

Dogs can have seasonal allergies just like people- she could be reacting to the changes in allergens in the air and on the ground. Many dogs are actually allergic to oak leaves and start having problems when they start to fall. She could even just be moulting off-season for some reason. As long as it doesn't cause her distress, it shouldn't be anything to worry about.

Dog lose hair?

yes this is regular for dogs

Dog lose hair?

Dry skin in the winter time. My dog used to rip out her hair because she was itchy. We gave her cod liver oil pills orally.

You could probably rub some vitamin E oil, not cream, on the areas that are balding. 400IU clear capsuules can be broken open for single use. It is totally edible so if the dog licks it, it is not poisionous.

Good luck and I hope this advice helps.

Dog lose hair?

they can lose hair, but it depends if they are shedding or not...if the dog is shedding this normal so don't worry about it. if your dog is losing excessive amounts of hair then you should see a vet

Dog lose hair?

It is perfectly normal for a dog to shed hair especially at a certain time of the year. New skin cells and hair replaces the old coat and hence the excessive shedding. To ensure a healthy. new coat, mix the dogs food with fish oil (even the oil that you fry your fish in will be a suitable substitute). My vet recommended this for my dogs (German shepards).

Dog lose hair?

Yes, even in the south it is normal for a dog to periodically lose a lot of coat and grow in new.

Dog lose hair?

Are saying the dog gets bald spots or just naturally shedding. My Lab sheds all year round.

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