Friday, November 13, 2009

What are the risks of putting hair gel in the long-term?

Can hair gel really damage the root of the hair, causing a person to lose hair (or bald) in the long-term?

What are the risks of putting hair gel in the long-term?

of course it does, talk to my uncle joey about it

What are the risks of putting hair gel in the long-term?

yes 1 of my friends used to use truck loads of the stuff for a good 8 years and now her hair is damage and is falling out she wears a headband to cover up the fact that this is happening but its too l8.

What are the risks of putting hair gel in the long-term?

Hair gel can make your hair greasy, hair gel can make your hair gross if not wahsed out on a normal day basis, hair gel can make your hair have split ends, hair gel can make your hair have breakage, but hair gel will not cause baldness; yes there is some hair loss over a period of time but its like a strand or a few, but not a whole head. If you're still having doubts then talk to your hairdresser and ask her opinion because she does do hair for a living. good luck

What are the risks of putting hair gel in the long-term?

yes it does damage it

and if u start using it for too long ur hair will fall out

What are the risks of putting hair gel in the long-term?

nope i tryed it before :)

What are the risks of putting hair gel in the long-term?

Yes it does I have used it for 6 years strait now poof hair started to fall out so now I shave it bald and wow never have so many girls hit on me well I also have people saying I am white or w/e

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