Monday, November 16, 2009

Is 60 strands of hair lost after shower too much??

i wash my hair every other day, well after running my fingers through my wet hair about 40 strands came out at once, i kept doing it and more came out about 3-5 at a time

is this normal? since i only wash my hair everyother day- i read that 50-100 strands a day is normal..but what if im losing more and not realising it....

Is 60 strands of hair lost after shower too much??

As long as you dont notice balding or thinning then you're fine.

Is 60 strands of hair lost after shower too much??

prob.! you count them?! lol :p

Is 60 strands of hair lost after shower too much??

go to a doctor and tell him or he the problem

Is 60 strands of hair lost after shower too much??

it is normal to lose that much a day, but some ways to help prevent losing so much before you take a shower it to brush the tangles out and use conditioner before you shampoo.

Is 60 strands of hair lost after shower too much??

If you are losing a lot of hair it can be due to stress. this seems to be one of the top reasons why people lose excess hair. I use Nioxin Shampoo. It is a shampoo that specializes in removing the extra hormones (DHT) from the scalp that cause us to lose our hair. This shampoo is expensive but it works wonders. You can buy it at most salons. Use it daily for about a month. If you still don't see a difference then I would see a doctor. It usually works pretty good though! Good Luck

Is 60 strands of hair lost after shower too much??

100 strands a day is normal and nothing to worry about, and since most dead hair comes out after a shower, and you wash every other day, you could lose up to 200 strands per shower and have nothing to worry about.

if you feel as though your hair is thinning in any particular area, i would recommend NIOXIN shampoo and conditioner; lots of people have had good results with the regime.

also, it is said that about 6 months or so after being under anesthesia, some people experience slightly accelerated hair loss for a short time. if that's the case, that could be your problem.

however, unless you are experiencing severe loss, i wouldn't worry about it, but you can always speak with your doctor if you are really concerned!!

Is 60 strands of hair lost after shower too much??

Conditioners tend to do that, or you're using a BAD shampoo. Pantene is really bad for your hair, do just careful what you use.

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