Friday, November 13, 2009

HELP Hair lost problem?

I'm 28 years old guy , i'm starting to lose hair .

the barber told me there's nothink to do to stop it .

What do you think I should do ?

Is there a sloution?

HELP Hair lost problem?

I would at least give rigaine a good try. Its expensive but if it helps it would be well worth it.

HELP Hair lost problem?

Yeah, stuff like Rogaine will stop the hair loss, but if you stop taking it you start losing it again.

HELP Hair lost problem?

Be bold!

Go bald.

HELP Hair lost problem?

there is one thing you can do go bold .that's the new look besides bold is so sexy. learn to turn the neg-into the positive.

HELP Hair lost problem?

try brush you hair every day , and put some real aloe in you scalp , put a piece in the grinder with litle water.and leave 20 minutes .you can do this 3 times a week ,try it my friend told me that it works for him.

HELP Hair lost problem?

massage with wheatgerm oil

HELP Hair lost problem?

check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:-- Hairloss/Hairfall

check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:-- How can you get a faster hair growth

HELP Hair lost problem?

Nioxin helps to stop hair from falling out. I have used it and I sell it in my salons all the time. It will clean your hair follicles and stop you hair from falling out. This product is guaranteed, so if you buy it in the salon and it doesn't work you should return it for your money. But try it, I know it will help to slow down and even stop your hair from falling out. Good luck!

HELP Hair lost problem?


HELP Hair lost problem?

Products that claim they can regrow your hair, should be thrown off the shelves. They don't work like they say, they slow down the process, and once you stop using them, they stop working. However, you can use vitamins to help the healthy hair growth and products to make it not so obvious.

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