Friday, November 13, 2009

19 yr old sport horse, wit patchy hair loss all over, losing cond. not ring worm, any ideas, is well

Have you had your vet check for hypothyroidism? All of those symptoms fit the mold...I would do it right away, if the symptoms have come this far, it would be wise to get something done as soon as possible.

19 yr old sport horse, wit patchy hair loss all over, losing cond. not ring worm, any ideas, is well fed...?

Have you changed his feed or living conditions recently? He may be allergic to something, has this happened before? If so does it only happen at certain times of the year?

Seek veterinary advice as nobody can give a diagnosis online without an examanation.

19 yr old sport horse, wit patchy hair loss all over, losing cond. not ring worm, any ideas, is well fed...?

Are you feeding barley? some horses are allergic andd get weepy bald patches from that. However, it sounds as if he has some kind od immune disorder or similar. You need to ask a vet to check it out for you, without at least a photo we are tilting at windmills here!

19 yr old sport horse, wit patchy hair loss all over, losing cond. not ring worm, any ideas, is well fed...?

Did he have a case of rain rot? if the scabs were picked off, it may be a skin infection. MTG is a really vgood sulfer compound which helped alot when it happened to my horse. he had lost about 50% of his hair. The stuff stinks like rooten eggs but when i used it, plus disinfected the grooming tools every day it cleared up after a few weeks, but it look about a month for the hair to grow back. Only a vet can tell you for sure.

19 yr old sport horse, wit patchy hair loss all over, losing cond. not ring worm, any ideas, is well fed...?

Could be allergies... but my guess would be some sort of fungus. Does your horse pee more than usual? It could be cushings. It could also be liver failure... ask you VET!!!

19 yr old sport horse, wit patchy hair loss all over, losing cond. not ring worm, any ideas, is well fed...?

It could be rain rot. If so you can apply Listerine to the patchs an it will go away over a period of time if used every day. Good luck but you can ask a vet. to see what they say.

19 yr old sport horse, wit patchy hair loss all over, losing cond. not ring worm, any ideas, is well fed...?

One of my geldings had an allergy to a "fungus" that was on the juniper trees in their turnout area. His hair was coming out and was leaving a bald spots the shape of a circles...we used an iodine shampoo on him and that cured the problem. He has not had any dermatitis reaction since. I also checked with our vet and horses can easily be allergic to something in their environment.

Good's just a process of elimination finding the cause of this.

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