Friday, November 13, 2009

Do the Mangolian/Asian race people such as chinese, japanese, Indonasian,hazara, thai etc shed hair

Do the Mongolian/Asian countries (not south east asians) shed hair too? Their hair seems to be so thicka nd I've never basically seen a bald Japanese/Mongolian race person. Their hair seems thick liek a stick, just wondering anyone here even hazara (they r from mongolian race), lose hair like we caucasians do!

Do they lose less then an average caucasian losses hair each day? Do the Mongolian race have special shampoo in their countries like " phillipins, japan etc.." which is only suited for their hair?

please answer.

Do the Mangolian/Asian race people such as chinese, japanese, Indonasian,hazara, thai etc shed hair too?

I am filipino and yes we do shed hair too...I use the same shampoo my friends who are Caucasian. (Herbal Essences, Finesse, etc.)

Do the Mangolian/Asian race people such as chinese, japanese, Indonasian,hazara, thai etc shed hair too?

Everyone sheds hair no matter what race you are..but men tend to go bald because their testosterone may be high..

Do the Mangolian/Asian race people such as chinese, japanese, Indonasian,hazara, thai etc shed hair too?

Yes, we get Bald men and women w hair loss problems too.

A Japanese brand called "Asience" claims its custom made for the Asians, but i have not tried it yet.

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