Friday, November 13, 2009

Does rogaine really work for hair lose? If not what else is there?

I still have a good amount of hair. But in my family its very common to lose hair a lot. Should I put rogaine on in this early stage? Does it really work?

Does rogaine really work for hair lose? If not what else is there?

I've been using Rogaine for approx. three months now and I'm actually starting to see a bit of regrowth--peach fuzz so far, but still nevertheless encouraging. But I've been doing a lot of reading about hair loss, and it seems that everybody reacts differently--i.e. everybody's dna/genetic make-up is different; which makes us unique; which makes us react differently.

Meh, at least you can try, right?

Good luck!


Does rogaine really work for hair lose? If not what else is there? There really is nothing that works for hair loss. Prevention can slow it down though, so focus on a good diet and vitamins that are geared towards hair growth. Also, there are esential oils on the market that by massaging them into the scalp, they help with hair retention.

Does rogaine really work for hair lose? If not what else is there?

Regain or Folicure

Does rogaine really work for hair lose? If not what else is there?

only one way to really find out is to try it and see,if not you can always get hair-plugs

Does rogaine really work for hair lose? If not what else is there?

it works until you quit using it then it falls back out and its expensive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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