Monday, November 16, 2009

Lost Hair - Pls Suggest?

I have partial male pattern baldness. Please help, i love to have hairs. No other medical problems.

Lost Hair - Pls Suggest?

what's wrong with a nice bald head?

Just shave the rest off.

Many interesting women love a shaved head. It's so sexy!

Lost Hair - Pls Suggest?

try a shampoo for male pattern balding - i use one and although it hasn't worked on my head, it is working great on my back (what a drag it is getting old!) i just shave my head - you must own it tho - gotta carry the attitude! good luck!

Lost Hair - Pls Suggest?

try a mane and tail shampoo

Lost Hair - Pls Suggest?

Eat healthy foods take protein rich foods.

Massage your scalp daily with olive oil and almond oil.

Don't wash your hair daily.

Protect your hair by using dandruff shampoo.

Avoid caffeine, alcohol.

You will see the difference in a month.

Lost Hair - Pls Suggest?

male pattern baldness is hereditary and not really anything will help. you can try rogaine, it may help but remember, if you stop using it any hair that regrew will fall back out. it is a commitment.

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