Monday, November 16, 2009

PCOS & Hair Loss: What can I do about my loss?

I have PCOS %26amp; am 26 years old. I've started to lose hair %26amp; see thinning areas. I am worried as I don't want this to go very far. My doctor doesn't really want to use medications to deal with this (i.e. Metformin) because I'm looking to become a mother soon (hopefully within a year or two). I'm really worried about this %26amp; wanted to get some feedback from other women with PCOS %26amp; what has worked for them. Thank you.

PCOS %26amp; Hair Loss: What can I do about my loss?

I recommend asking your doctor whether making any dietary changes could help. Especially cutting down on simple carbs - they may contribute to the insulin resistance that can be part of PCOS. Plus make sure you're getting enough vitamins - a good diet can contribute to the health of your hair and scalp. Doing these things could also help you to conceive when it comes time.

There may also be some natural supplements that could help - maybe consult with a health care professional that deals with such alternative treatments.

PCOS %26amp; Hair Loss: What can I do about my loss?

hair extentions...?

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