Monday, November 16, 2009

As men get older, why do they lose hair on their heads, but hair starts growing from their ears &

so he will not think he is young again so stay away from them young girls

As men get older, why do they lose hair on their heads, but hair starts growing from their ears %26amp; other places

all has to do with the hormones.

As men get older, why do they lose hair on their heads, but hair starts growing from their ears %26amp; other places

because all the hair from their head travels to their backs lol!

As men get older, why do they lose hair on their heads, but hair starts growing from their ears %26amp; other places

It doesn't recede, it goes in, then comes out other places...

As men get older, why do they lose hair on their heads, but hair starts growing from their ears %26amp; other places

yeah, weird isn't it?

As men get older, why do they lose hair on their heads, but hair starts growing from their ears %26amp; other places

Its a hormonal thing, its where the body need more hair in the nose and ears to protect them from viruses and bacteria!


As men get older, why do they lose hair on their heads, but hair starts growing from their ears %26amp; other places

its a genetic thing. some men are born with the gene that will keep them from going bald and others are not. Balding is a dominant trait. the reason why it starts to fall out and not grow back is becuase the hair is thining and getting weaker. when it gets too weak it doesnt grow back.

As men get older, why do they lose hair on their heads, but hair starts growing from their ears %26amp; other places

My dad explained this to me. He said when you get older you don't see as well. So you grow long hair out your ears and that acts as 'curb feelers'. A cat uses its whiskers to 'gage' a hole, to see if it can climb through it. Dad said old men use their ear hair that way, when going through a door, for instance, to feel for the edges.

As men get older, why do they lose hair on their heads, but hair starts growing from their ears %26amp; other places

i feel the hair gets too old and tired, to go to the head, so it stops at nose and ears.

As men get older, why do they lose hair on their heads, but hair starts growing from their ears %26amp; other places

you lose it from u-turns under the sheets, and butting against the headboard. if you can get her/him to pull on your ears, it won't grow there either.

As men get older, why do they lose hair on their heads, but hair starts growing from their ears %26amp; other places

Oh yes. And its always the most embarrassing places. Ears, neck, eyebrows. It's a constant battle.

As men get older, why do they lose hair on their heads, but hair starts growing from their ears %26amp; other places

Wisdom hairs. Also, when you have too much wisdom to store in your brain, it settles around your waist. OK?

As men get older, why do they lose hair on their heads, but hair starts growing from their ears %26amp; other places

why before 400-500 years there were very few bald people u know why because of our shitty water we get for our head and the ******** food that has a chemical POHCH that makes ur hair fall like the chemicals in the hamburger u eat in the restaurant they put stuff to make the Burger last longer

As men get older, why do they lose hair on their heads, but hair starts growing from their ears %26amp; other places

Gravity, it's pulling it down. If you live long enough, your whole body goes bald except for your toes. You will be able to style the hair on them.

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