Friday, November 13, 2009

FIV+ Cats and Hair Loss?

I have an FIV+ cat. He is about 4-5 years old. He recently went to the vet in October for his check up and everything was great.

I am slightly worried because he is missing some hair all of a sudden. He is missing a patch about the size of a half dollar on his back upper hip, and two smaller patches on each elbow. I'm thinking the elbow spots are possibly from him sitting and the hair just wore away.

He acts like his normal self though. Do you think I should take him back to the vet or is he probably fine?

He's lost hair in that spot near his backside once before and it grew back.

FIV+ Cats and Hair Loss?

It's possible that he's just got an itch in that spot and has licked it so much that he's licked off the fur. It happens now and then. I'm assuming he's an indoor cat (cos otherwise he could pretty much infect every other cat he runs into =/ , so it shouldn't be fleas.

Since he IS FIV+, I would suggest taking him to the vet if you can afford it. Or at least call your vet and ask what they think. Since he doesn't seem tired or reluctant to eat or anything like that, I don't THINK that it's anything serious, but then again I'm not that into cat diseases, and your vet would probably know best.

FIV+ Cats and Hair Loss?

my dog suffers from the same thing i have found one cod liver oil capsual a day in their food is great. i doubt its anything to worry about so chill

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