Monday, November 16, 2009

How do we actually prevent hair loss ? I seem to be losing so much everyday.?

buy some hair loss solution

How do we actually prevent hair loss ? I seem to be losing so much everyday.?


How do we actually prevent hair loss ? I seem to be losing so much everyday.?

See a medical professional. It could be do to diet, thyroid or other health issues. I am betting on thyroid, which is easily treatable. Good luck !

How do we actually prevent hair loss ? I seem to be losing so much everyday.?

A fully grown adult loses around 100 hairs from their head everyday so don't be too worried, if you feel you are losing a lot more than this then consult your doctor.

How do we actually prevent hair loss ? I seem to be losing so much everyday.?

if your blonde, it is proven that blonde people lose alot more hair then brunnettes, or people with red hair.

and sometimes it seems like you are losing more then you are.

you might want to go to the doctor and ask about it.

How do we actually prevent hair loss ? I seem to be losing so much everyday.?

As someone as already said, adults normally "shed" 100 to 200 hairs each day, depending upon the density of their hair. If you feel you are losing more than this or if your hair is coming out in certain areas, go to a doctor because in order to prevent anything from happening, you have to know what is causing whatever is happening. Some causes might be: heredity, medications you may be taking for another reason, stress can cause abnormal hair loss. There are products now available to regrow hair that some people I know have had some success using such as Rogaine but they went to a dermatologist first to find the cause and in the cases of know of it was heredity. Good luck.

How do we actually prevent hair loss ? I seem to be losing so much everyday.?

As one other person said, it is normal to lose about 100 hairs a day.

For hair to grow properly, you need to massage your scalp and stimulate the blood flow. When you shampoo, take the 3-4 minutes to massage your head. Your diet will also be a big factor in your hair, skin and nail growth.

I don't know if you color or perm your hair, but if you do, it is possible that you are experiencing breakage, not hair loss.

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