Monday, November 16, 2009

My 6.5 yr old son is losing a lot of hair. Is it because of a recent dental X-rays ? Any other expla

we have changed his shampoo to a very mild brand. We feel that he is not under any stress. We even stopped giving him fresh-crushed carrot juice as we read that too much carrot may cause hair loss.

My 6.5 yr old son is losing a lot of hair. Is it because of a recent dental X-rays ? Any other explanation ?

Usually diet is a factor in a child's hair not growing. As your pediatrician if an enema would be safe. Give your child fruits and veggies and some organic foods for a while.

My 6.5 yr old son is losing a lot of hair. Is it because of a recent dental X-rays ? Any other explanation ?

I suggest that you immediately look up Baron von Munchausen syndrome, because it sounds like your child may be suffering from it.

My 6.5 yr old son is losing a lot of hair. Is it because of a recent dental X-rays ? Any other explanation ?

Go to your Dr. This is not normal.

My 6.5 yr old son is losing a lot of hair. Is it because of a recent dental X-rays ? Any other explanation ?

I think its time you take your son to the Pediatric.. thats not normal, he楹搒 a growing boy...

Take care...

Bcn_mimosa from Barcelona, Spain

My 6.5 yr old son is losing a lot of hair. Is it because of a recent dental X-rays ? Any other explanation ?

more than likely it is not from the dental x-rays. he needs to go see his pediatrician and find out whats going on. good luck!

My 6.5 yr old son is losing a lot of hair. Is it because of a recent dental X-rays ? Any other explanation ?

it sounds like Alphecca, it is a skin condition which causes the hair to fall out and leave bald spots.

take him to see a dermatologist, this condition is very treatable if this is what it is.

I doubt the x ray has any thing to do with it but any thing is possible. Alphecca is more common in boys between the ages of 6 and 13 A lot of men who lose their hair young, have suffered from Alphecca and not been treated.

That is what I would suggests. it will only get worse if it is left untreated. My nephew ended up having a bald spot as big around as a baseball do to the fact they let it go and did not have it treated all his hair has grown back now but he went for months being embarrassed by his bald spot and dealing with rude stares and comments not by children either by their so called parents.

please get him in to see the dermatologist as soon as possible.

I am not sure about the way I spelt this condition, it was the best guess I could I hate medical terms.

My 6.5 yr old son is losing a lot of hair. Is it because of a recent dental X-rays ? Any other explanation ?

I think the word that Angie is trying to say is "alopecia."

The hair loss is not from the x-rays. He will probably need lab work to try to figure out what's going on.

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