Monday, November 16, 2009

I lost hair to much i try diffrent shampoos but not work! u guys know about stop my hair lose.tell m

i got dandruff to much in my head. i try diff.diff. dandruff shampoo (expencive) but not working igot still dand. in my head thats why im alwayse keep my head bold .

I lost hair to much i try diffrent shampoos but not work! u guys know about stop my hair lose.tell me pl.?

I've got a similar problem. I am sooo stressed out, I've lost sooo much hair. I'm young, and shouldn't be going through this, but none the less. I would say, more than just a shampoo as a solution. That maybe it's much deeper. On a spiritual level, like you need to find what is bothering you, stressing you out, that may contribute to your hair loss. Just a suggestion.

I lost hair to much i try diffrent shampoos but not work! u guys know about stop my hair lose.tell me pl.?

ummm sorry cant help you

I lost hair to much i try diffrent shampoos but not work! u guys know about stop my hair lose.tell me pl.?

take iron tablets and protein daily.

I lost hair to much i try diffrent shampoos but not work! u guys know about stop my hair lose.tell me pl.?

Have you tried Scalp Relief by Redken? My hair stylist said it's great for dandruff. I suggest going to a salon and speaking to a professional hair stylist for advice on how to treat your scalp condition.

However, please keep in mind that this could be a medical issue. If your hair isn't responding to various treatments, it could be something more than just dandruff. If the problem persists, and you continue to lose hair, please see a doctor - they might be able to help you better.

Good luck!

I lost hair to much i try diffrent shampoos but not work! u guys know about stop my hair lose.tell me pl.?

Dandruff shampoo is okay but you have to sonsider that everytime you wash your hair, you're washing away the natural oils your scalp produces. Don't wash every day (3-4 time a week) Get a good conditioner. something from a salon not something at the local Walgreen's. When you put the conditioner in, work it all the way to the scalp and leave it for a good 3-4 minutes. Rinse your hair with cool (not cold, not warm) water. You should start to see really fine results in about a week. Good Luck!!

I lost hair to much i try diffrent shampoos but not work! u guys know about stop my hair lose.tell me pl.?




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