Friday, November 13, 2009

Does hair gel make you lose hair?


Does hair gel make you lose hair?

If your gel has a lot of alcohol in it, it may dry out your hair, therefore making it more brittle and prone to breakage, which in turn, looks like you are losing your hair. Make sure you use a good conditioner.

Does hair gel make you lose hair?

no, it just holds your style in place. if you are losing hair someone played a cruel joke on you and switched your gel with something else

Does hair gel make you lose hair?

I've never heard that before.

Does hair gel make you lose hair?

anything chemical is bad

Does hair gel make you lose hair?

no it makes your hair hard

Does hair gel make you lose hair?

Yes, any chemical does that.

Does hair gel make you lose hair?

I have been using hair gel for over 25 years.

I am 42, have a full head of hair, and very, very few grey hairs.

So, no it does not make you lose hair.

Does hair gel make you lose hair?


Does hair gel make you lose hair?

not that i no of

Does hair gel make you lose hair?

its mostly water...dont worry about it

Does hair gel make you lose hair?

No. Hair loss is almost always genetically pre-determined.

Does hair gel make you lose hair?

Exactly what IVY says...

Does hair gel make you lose hair?

No. It's the mildest and least harmful type of hair gunk. Get one that's labeled alcohol free.

Does hair gel make you lose hair?

yesssss it doess....and it also causes ur hair to become dulla nd gray sooner....i recomend that you use it minimally

Does hair gel make you lose hair?

i heard that it can break off your hair and give u split ends.

Does hair gel make you lose hair?

Yes, especially in males. Alcohol based hair care is the worst. The chemicals slowly kill the hair follicles. I had a receeding hairline by 16. So, I know it is true...

Alot has to do with heredity too. If your grandfather is bald you are likely doomed.

Does hair gel make you lose hair?

yeah i heard it dose!!!!!!

Naw jk it really don't i was being a B**ch so yeah don't mind me

i really don't know if it dose or not.

Does hair gel make you lose hair?

My husband has long hair and has been using Loreal Melting Gel for years. It has never caused him to lose his hair. Probably the worst thing that you could do to your hair to make it "fall out" (more like break off) is bleach it. Bleaching is very harmful if not done correctly. So keep using your gel, you have nothing to lose! Pardon the pun.

Does hair gel make you lose hair?

no dont worry

Does hair gel make you lose hair?

no but it makes your hair thinner

Does hair gel make you lose hair?

it can if you put it in

and brush your hair

but thats about it

ive been using gel on my nappy curly hair

for years and i still have beautiful thick hair

so dont worry

Does hair gel make you lose hair?

Ok You just asked a question right before this one asking people to write your essay for you because your dad died and then you are worried about hair gel making you lose your hair. See i was right you were lying. Shame on you!!!

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