Monday, November 16, 2009

Hi can anyone recommend a hair removal cream or wax that doesnt hurt as i cant stand pain?

yeah i want to look better for the summer and i need to lose hair from me arms and legs but whats the painless was to do it? ive seen varios products on tv like where you rub it in like cream then while you shower you rinse it off but does it work on mens hair? any help will be appreciated and can you tell me the products name thx

Hi can anyone recommend a hair removal cream or wax that doesnt hurt as i cant stand pain?

here is what you want to matter what you wax with it will always be a little painful. so stick with the veet. it has a rubber razor with it. it leaves your skin silky soft too. in between using the veet, use a pumice stone in the shower on your legs and arms and wherever else you want the hair gone. using a pumice stone will help keep the hair softer, gone longer, and lighter in color. trust me this is my routine when i am in the shower. i think you will be pleasantly surprised

Hi can anyone recommend a hair removal cream or wax that doesnt hurt as i cant stand pain?


Hi can anyone recommend a hair removal cream or wax that doesnt hurt as i cant stand pain?

i know exactly what! theres this lotion by Sally Hasen and you put in on, leave it on for a few and then wipe it off with the hair. or you could get electrolisis

Hi can anyone recommend a hair removal cream or wax that doesnt hurt as i cant stand pain?

Nair has never worked for me. Shaving is best IMO, or getting a professional wax, though it is very painful.

Hi can anyone recommend a hair removal cream or wax that doesnt hurt as i cant stand pain?


Hi can anyone recommend a hair removal cream or wax that doesnt hurt as i cant stand pain?

Veet. I know someone with sensitive skin who uses Veet and it's gentler on her skin than Nair.

Hi can anyone recommend a hair removal cream or wax that doesnt hurt as i cant stand pain?

i would try Nair, its easy and dosent hurt. If not nair, their is some new kind of cream that should be right next to it in any local store.

Hi can anyone recommend a hair removal cream or wax that doesnt hurt as i cant stand pain?

nair for men, use the cream not the roll on thing. works well with no burn

Hi can anyone recommend a hair removal cream or wax that doesnt hurt as i cant stand pain?

nair. but it stings a bit if you have sensitive skin so buy nair pretty for sensitive skin...i know it's for gals but just try it out. if it can get rid of my leg hair you'll be bald!!

Hi can anyone recommend a hair removal cream or wax that doesnt hurt as i cant stand pain?

Nair works really well, it doesn't hurt. When you wash it off, it leaves your skin feeling really smooth.

Hi can anyone recommend a hair removal cream or wax that doesnt hurt as i cant stand pain?

Shave or use veet. *cough* pansy *cough*

Hi can anyone recommend a hair removal cream or wax that doesnt hurt as i cant stand pain?

Nads or Hair no more.These will work.

Hi can anyone recommend a hair removal cream or wax that doesnt hurt as i cant stand pain?

Nair is painless and works just fine. However, it cannot be used on the face or in the genital area. You can buy it at Target, drugstores, Walmart. You may have to use it twice if you've a lot of hair. It stinks BTW.

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