Wednesday, November 11, 2009

What makes you lose hair?

Does styling you hair with a blower make you lose hair? Does straightening your hair make you lose hair? Does overdrying your hair make you lose it? Does using hair appliances make you lose hair out of the usual?

What makes you lose hair?

Hair is primarily affected by hormones %26amp; genetic factors. I've come across many women recently with an increase in facial hair (80 year old's with beards) with hormonal problems. As far as over-processing your hair, it has an effect on the strength of your hair, as it will cause breaking and splitting, however, a "set amount" of hair is lost every day, between 50-100 strands is "normal." Hair is essential dead cells; you can't "lose" any more than your body regulate. Hair is also controlled by vitamins and nutritional status, those with dull, dried, weak hair are typically malnurished.

Over styling, processing, and using various hair products definately has an effect on the status of your hair, but because hair is already dead by the time you see it essentially you're damaging an already dead cell. It might seem that you are losing hair because of these products, but you're simply breaking off hair, not actually affecting how much hair is being lost on a daily basis.

Great question!

What makes you lose hair?

What really makes you loose hair is being worried about something!!!!Remember that!!!

What makes you lose hair?

over dying your hair will cause it took break. Blow drying is bad too

What makes you lose hair?

Yes all that does...n so does improper diet.....your diet should contain adequate amounts of Vit B, Vit C, Vit E and Bitoin,,,,to have healthy hair growth.

What makes you lose hair?

All those things make you lose hair, except i don't know about the last one but all you need to do is take care of your hair... like not putting any chemicals in their or you can lose your hair.

What makes you lose hair?

sometimes perms,the wrong grease,conditoner,and shampoo

What makes you lose hair?

yes all of the above

What makes you lose hair?


What makes you lose hair?

Some causes for losing hair:

1. Malnutrition (Elisabeth Hasselbeck lost a lot of hair when she was on the show " Survivor".

2. Chemo therapy. Some of the drugs you need to take for cancer make your hair fall out.

3. Age and declining hormones after menopause

4. Heredity

Note: the hair you are working with when styling is dead. You can make the texture dry, or fizzy with heat. You need to concentrate on the roots to make healthy hair. There is stuff on the market such as Rogaine which stimulate growth if you have bald spots.

What makes you lose hair?

Yes, also if you wear pigtails or cornrows or use tight hair rollers, the pull on your hair can cause hair loss. Hot oil hair treatments or chemicals used in perms may cause inflammation of the hair follicle hair loss.

What makes you lose hair?

yes to the blow drying and straightening. stress and improper diet are also big causes. there's an herbal remedy that helps with unhealthy hair it's called horsetail.gnc has it

What makes you lose hair?




What makes you lose hair?

Men, kids, work, Stress , poor health, poor diet, curling/flat irons and chemicals.

What makes you lose hair?

stress!!! but its all to do with the oils in your hair. if you are seriously worried that you are losing your hair right now. rub jo jo ba oil into your scalp everyday. if you dont want your hair to look greasy then give your self hot jo jo ba oil massage into your scalp then leave for 30 mins and wash.

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