Friday, November 13, 2009

If I use rogaine until I hit the grave will I not lose my hair,my doc said so, would like a 2nd opin

i have already spoken with my doctor about rogaine and would like a 2nd opinion. I am 22 and will lose my hair just as my dad and grandpa have. My doctor told me that if I use rogaine until I hit the grave that I will not lose my hair. Is this true? And I have already lost a little bit, will that grow back if I use rogaine? Thank you!

If I use rogaine until I hit the grave will I not lose my hair,my doc said so, would like a 2nd opinion,thanks

he's wrong.

and............most of the time the heredity does not work in a direct skips generations.....I would not assume that

and some doctor that will make that big of a prognosis, is wrong, there is NO WAY TO KNOW%26gt;...........I have been researching the subject for 6 years............there is NO WAY TO KNOW......PROMISE.

If there was then we would have SOLVED the problem. When you know what causes it then you can solve it.

We do not know why men and women go bald. Period.

Using Rogaine is not a very reliable method............the better way for you is to get PROPECIA.............immediately as that is the very best medicine we I have no idea why he is not talking about that..............because THAT, will do more for a human being than anything! so get your butt back to the doctor and ask him 'why' he has not written you a prescription for that? I have helped well over 300 men with hair loss...............and throughout the last 6 years............Rogaine is the one thing that almost every single one seems to drop using.....I have a 10 point program......and Rogaine is not even one of the 10 steps............

so you make your own assesement......... your welcome to email me for more info if u want it.

If I use rogaine until I hit the grave will I not lose my hair,my doc said so, would like a 2nd opinion,thanks

i would not be so vain as to use rogaine or hair implants hair does not make the man and alot of women find men with shaved heads very sexy and attractive

If I use rogaine until I hit the grave will I not lose my hair,my doc said so, would like a 2nd opinion,thanks

No idea if this is true or not, but I'd look for a professional opinion. And I don't think you're being "vain" for not wanting to lose your hair. It's true that hair doesn't make the man, but if it's something you're worried about, then why not go for it? Best of luck to you. :)

If I use rogaine until I hit the grave will I not lose my hair,my doc said so, would like a 2nd opinion,thanks

I read it online, the makers said as long as you take it you will keep the hair you gained from it. when u stop, the new hair hair falls off.

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