Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Losing weight causing acne and reducing hair growth?

Hi there,

I'm an 18 year old female and I'm 5'3. I have went from 135 pounds to 115 over the last two years due to diet change and exercise increase. However, I've noticed extreme changes in my skin (increase in acne breakouts) and my hair has stopped growing and is very brittle. My blood pressure has also dropped quite a bit as well. Are these all related? It's hard for me to simply regain the weight because I am very happy with how my body looks now. Please help!

Losing weight causing acne and reducing hair growth?

Although you have lost weight, you may not be healthy. Make sure you are eating an adequate amount of protein (think bananas, beans, and lean cut meats). This could be why your hair is brittle, hair needs protein and healthy fats (unsaturated, and non-trans from fish, beans, etc.). If your blood pressure is unhealthily low then your body fat content sounds a little too low. however, if your blood pressure just dropped to healthy level, that is typical for when you lose weight. your increase in breakouts is most likely unrelated to your weight loss. since your 18 years old, i would talk to my doctor about either going on birth control or starting an acne regmine.

good luck!

Losing weight causing acne and reducing hair growth?

What exactly is your blood pressure? Anyway, they are probably aren't linked, besides what you eat. you probably need a varited of diffrent food nurtiment, vitimains n stuff.

Losing weight causing acne and reducing hair growth?

There are a variety of ways to treat acne and many acne sufferers have found that the natural types of acne treatments can be effective at helping to stop your acne and no negative side effects.Log on to for a few home made tips to heal acne .

Losing weight causing acne and reducing hair growth?

The free E-book on this site might be just what you need to help you lose weight. It's a free download so at least it won't hurt to try it.

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