Friday, November 13, 2009

Will a peson who loses hair as a result of nutritional decline secondary to Gastric Bypass, regrow t

As a person improves how much they can eat and what they can eat after Gastric Bypass, will lost hair return?

Will a peson who loses hair as a result of nutritional decline secondary to Gastric Bypass, regrow the hair?

yes. hair loss after Gastric bypass is probably from 3 things. There is the physical stress of surgery, the nutritional decline, and then drastic weight loss. All of these cause hair loss. The hair should grow back. Take Hair, Skin, Nails vitamins, eat a lot of protein, and try to balance out your diet. Your hair should grow back in 6 months to 1 year (gradually)

Will a peson who loses hair as a result of nutritional decline secondary to Gastric Bypass, regrow the hair?

The problem is with protein decline not all foods. Lost hair return by growth hormone supplement that does not need a prescription (GH releaser and stimulator all natural ingredients contained).You take it as 5 days (2 times daily) 2 days off then return this cycle.

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