Friday, November 13, 2009

How can I relieve hair loss?

Often when i stress at work, I lose hair,are there any vitamins or food advice I should focus on and take to reduce hair loss?

How can I relieve hair loss?

Try propecia.

How can I relieve hair loss?


There are a lot of home remedies which can be tested.

i am qouting from a blog that i found on hair loss:

Try hot oil massage weekly once for at least 3 months. It is very good for hair fall.

Massaging the hair scalp with fingers till it starts to tingle with the heat will activate the sebaceous glands and enables the blood circulation and makes the hair grow healthy.

Diet should comprise of nuts, pulses, egg, milk and leafy vegetables for adequate nutrition.


Natural treatment

Success has been achieved through use of plant extracts that promote

hair growth and improve the health of the scalp. Henna, reetha, shikakai, amla, bael have been used for controlling hair loss since age-old days. These extracts have no side effects.

Applications of castor oil and iodine alternately for a week is excellent for this problem of hairloss.

Steam the head by wringing out a hot towel and wrapping it around the head.

Then shampoo and use a conditioner. A conditioner offers your hair a

buffer against external damage 閳?also making it more manageable.

A good and balanced diet is the key to good hair.

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