Monday, November 16, 2009

Why is my cat losing fur?

I was told that cats lose hair because of stress or mange, we did recently add a whole bunch of animals to the house, so i figured he was just stressed out and is over grooming himself. But one of the spots on his back looks a little green and crusty?

Why is my cat losing fur?

I dont think it is mange sarcoptic mange makes the hair look like all the hair falls out and there isn't any green or anything. It sounds like he was stressed and started overgrooming himself, the constant licking may have casued him to get a skin infection or the skin may be irriatated. Try putting a cone around his head to prevent him from licking and see if it improves. It also may be allergies. If you put up a cristmas tree he may have allergies to the tree. If it does not improve with the cone try pine oil, and take him into see the vet.

Why is my cat losing fur?

u should go visit the vet, especially if ur cat is stratching or biting itself, it could be a skin infection

Why is my cat losing fur?

puberty I think I am only 10 and never been by a kitten!!!

Why is my cat losing fur?

I would say he may have mange or skin infection...but I am not a vet.... I would highly recommend that you get him to the vet like pronto! Not a good thing to have this type of condition when you have multiple animals as they may all have it in a very short amount of time!

Why is my cat losing fur?

It could be mange. Take him to the vet as soon as you can. Some mange is not contagious, but one that is highly contagious is sarcoptic mange which is even contagious to humans because it is caused by mites on the skin. Keep it quarantined from the other animals and take it to the vet as soon as you get a chance.

Why is my cat losing fur?

I AM A VET!!! This would not happen due to "overgrooming". He might have caught something due to one of the other animals. But there are so many things he could have. i would have to take a look at him to diagnos him properly. I strongly suggest taking him to the vet.

Why is my cat losing fur?

I would take him to the vet, but they lose hair when they are stress, nervous or when fleas are getting on there nerves. One of my cats is doing it now but i just had a baby and 3 new puppys are here.

Why is my cat losing fur?

it isnt getting enough protein or nutrition

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