Monday, November 16, 2009

Pregnancy hair lose?

Im 4 months prego and Im losing alot of my hair. I know all of my insides are in a wack but I would really like to know what to do its more and more everyday I would like for me to keep the lenght I have but if its gonna get worse Im going end up cutting it... anyone have any tips, I was going to go by protein for my hair.

Pregnancy hair lose?

I lose my hair from stress. If you feel stressed that could be why. Look up some relaxation exersizes for Pregnant women and try to stay calm. Stress isn't good for your baby either so try to think of it when you become upset or agitated. Also if you are taking pre natal vitamins they are really good for your hair.. maybe your just sheding a little for fall as it gets healthier.

Pregnancy hair lose?

hair is made up of protein and your body is probably lacking in protein. try eating more meat,eggs,beans all of them are very high in protein and can really help. if your hairs looking a little thin then have a good trim and use thicking shampoo good luck

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