Friday, November 13, 2009

Can hair dyes cause you to lose your hair ?

Since moving to China, I have lost hair on my head. Some say it is because I have been dying my hair with harmful chemicals. A doctor said it could be because of the dirt and water difference between China and where I am from in America?

Can hair dyes cause you to lose your hair ?

It could well be from both sources, but if it were me I'd stop dying my hair. (Yes, over time it can make your hair fall out-use the dyes without ammonia) It also could be stress, that can cause hair to fall out and it can be hormones too. If it remains a problem I'd go to a doctor before the condition is irreversable.

Can hair dyes cause you to lose your hair ?

How is the hair falling out? Is it just in spots?

Look up the following:

Alopecia Areata, Alopecia, Telogen Effluvium.

Can hair dyes cause you to lose your hair ?

water is water where you ever go ,if chinese water is not clean

then you tell me how many people drink it in china a day? its over one billion person drink water in china daily ,but if you take your hair dying to a chemical lab you will find the reason is your dying stuff. .

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