Monday, November 16, 2009

Do you have any tips to curb hair from dropping? i'm losing mine at an alarming rate, esp when

Dr. report that folic acid enhances hair growth. High protein intake will also help. Are you stressed? Try to relax. I know it is hard...but sit in a quiet room, or outside(weather permitting), put your feet up and think of nothing for an hour. Deep breathing exercises and a good diet. Hypertension will cause a LOT of inbalances and upset the norm. Try to get back to the norm. Good health to you!

Do you have any tips to curb hair from dropping? i'm losing mine at an alarming rate, esp when i shower.?

Well, let's see...There are specific vitamins for hair %26amp; nail growth. Go to a health food store and ask the clerk for help in finding these. Also: keep your hair clean but DO NOT use hot water on your head, make it warm and cold is OK.

Do you have any tips to curb hair from dropping? i'm losing mine at an alarming rate, esp when i shower.?

it is normal to lose 50 to 80 hairs a day. anything after that could be many of things. meds, stress, color. nioxin is a great shampoo for hair loss.

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