Monday, November 16, 2009

1 week old boxer puppy's tail lost hair and is raw. Please help!?

Our boxer puppies are 1 week old. 5 days ago they had their tails cropped (which was advised by our vet.) Today one of them lost all of her hair on her tail and it looks very raw and irritated. I cannot get her into the vet until tomorrow and I am unable to reach anybody. Should I put neosporin on it? I was told by our vet to put neosporin on their umbilical cords, and I wasn't sure if maybe I should on the tail as well. Please help! don't want her to get an infection or be in pain.

1 week old boxer puppy's tail lost hair and is raw. Please help!?

At only 1 week, her mother is going to be licking her quite a lot. For that reason, you should only put a little neosporin on the tail. It's not going to hurt the mom to ingest a small amount of the ointment and it will ease any discomfort the pup is feeling. By the way, puppies don't feel much at this early age, so she isn't in great pain. But, you are right to get her to the vet asap.

1 week old boxer puppy's tail lost hair and is raw. Please help!?

Back Yard Breeders are the best...

Make an appointment, and call your Vet and ask what to do in the meantime.

1 week old boxer puppy's tail lost hair and is raw. Please help!?

put ice on it rapied in a fresh clean towl try to keep her calm just try not to let her get to activ or she could get an efection and keep a watchfull eye on her.

1 week old boxer puppy's tail lost hair and is raw. Please help!?

see a vet it may be a mite that lives the the hair follicles of dogs can be treated the vet will probably want to skin scrape it and look under the microscope to see any evidence of mites

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