Monday, November 16, 2009

Why cats loose alot of hair?

young 1 year and 1/2 old cat loosing her hair alot! eats good very active, never lost hair this much b-fore.

Why cats loose alot of hair?

could be heat, poor nutrition (Science Diet, Iams, etc... better than regular cat food), has it been going outside or getting into anything, if nothing else call the vet and they should tell you answer over the phone

Why cats loose alot of hair?

You will notice as the seasons change so will your cats coat. In the winter their coat is thick and in the summer time they will shed all that thick hair. It's normal,the cats adapt for the season don't worry too much about it.

Why cats loose alot of hair?

It could be due to it being summer, she is getting rid of the ''winter coat'', or she is not getting the nutrients she needs....or there could be an underlyin' health problem.

There are many reasons for excessive shedding.

Why cats loose alot of hair?

those are both right also because of malnutrition(give it some vitamins ;])

Why cats loose alot of hair?

Two reasons: 1) Cats MOLT (not the proper word) during the year.. that is, they shed more at some times of the year than others; 2) High protein diet is best for a cat to reduce the shedding.. other than that. it is NORMAL for a cat to shed

Why cats loose alot of hair?

It could be just normal summer shedding. Or there could be a health problem. Since you say your cat is eating well and is active, I wouldn't worry much about the latter- though you may want to check for parasites.

Why cats loose alot of hair?

not all cats lose hair it could be a sign of a undernourished cat.

Why cats loose alot of hair?

yea, mine does that too, it gets annoying, cause I constantly have to vacumm, they just getting rid of their dead hair, and growing new hair, just like us, my cat does that and now her furr looks shiny.

Why cats loose alot of hair?

There are numerous reasons why cats might lose hair... excessive scratching, the stress of living with one or more dogs, or small children with electric shavers. In some rare cases, it might also be attributed to balding men who can't afford toupees.

Why cats loose alot of hair?

Sometimes it can be poor nutrition.

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