Monday, November 16, 2009

Hair lose for for almost 7 mons???

I been losing alot of hair since my baby is 5 months old and now he is 1yr already...and my hair problem doest stop..I didnt remember that I lost this much of hair when I have my first child..My husband told me mybe because Im stress...Is that possible? Pls help me Im really worried

Hair lose for for almost 7 mons???

I had the same problem for about a year after the birth of my daughter.(My hair would fall out in clumps, %26amp; brushing was the worst!) Though stress can be a contributing factor, more than likely this has to do with your diet. And if you have been losing weight at a rapid pace that only increases the chances of hair loss. You often hear of anorexics having problems with hair falling out. Now I am not suggesting that you are anorexic by any means but rapid weight loss %26amp; lack of necessary nutrients are common causes of hair breakage or hair loss. If your nails have become very brittle as well, then there's your answer. I would suggest taking a daily multi vitamin. Also this could just be a sign of your body readjusting to its pre-pregnant state. While pregnant %26amp; for months afterwards, we are flooded with an excess amount of estrogen %26amp; other hormones which is why many women have exceptional hair %26amp; nail growth during pregnancy. Once those excess hormones start to leave,it only makes sense that some women may experience adverse effects. I would suggest eating healthy balanced meals, drinking plenty of water, a daily vitamin regimen %26amp; as much rest as you can possibly fit into an evening. If this doesnt help within a month or so, I would see a doctor just to rule out any of the more serious possibilities. Congratulations on the birth of your son by the way.

Hair lose for for almost 7 mons???

Yes hair loss is quite frequent when you are stressed.

Hair lose for for almost 7 mons???

When you have a baby your hormones are upset it takes about a year before you are back to rights..being stressed also doesn't help;;alopecia is common ..see your doctor ..he may be able to give you a tonic that stops you being stressed..also he can tell if there is some underlying reason for your loss of hair..e;g calcium lose lots of calcium as this is steered towards milk for the baby..hope all is well ..frank..

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