Friday, November 13, 2009

Are Yorkies Allowed To Lose Hair?

If not then why does mine lose hair?

Are Yorkies Allowed To Lose Hair?

Yorkies shed just like other dogs so the hair loss you are seeing is probably normal. If it is in patches, then there is a medical problem and you should consult a vet

Are Yorkies Allowed To Lose Hair?

Are you allowed to lose hair? lol

Any creature with hair will shed SOME hair, including Yorkshire Terriers. They just shed less than most.

However, if yours is shedding a lot, it could be a mixed breed.

Are Yorkies Allowed To Lose Hair?

anything with hair sheds.. look at your hairbrush.. even you shed.

How much hair is she loosing? If her coat is thinning out, or she's going bald, she may need checked at the vet. Things like thyroid problems can cause hairloss.

If it looks like its just normal shedding.. hair comes out when you brush her.. then no worries.. its normal.

Are Yorkies Allowed To Lose Hair?

if she is really old she can lose her hair and thats just a sign of old age or is it is in one spot it could be a rash that should be treated but otherwise dogs all dogs shed and if you really want her to stop they sell a special food that makes it to where they dont shed as much but its like forty dollars for one bag of it. good luck.

Are Yorkies Allowed To Lose Hair?

I'd love to know how one ALLOWS a dog to lose hair, better still how to DISallow it. If I could and if it were healthy for the dog, I'd forbid mine to lose hair.

Are Yorkies Allowed To Lose Hair?

Allowed? Apparently so if it is losing it, duh!

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