Friday, November 13, 2009

Does dying your hair have any negative side effects?

does dying your hair have any bad side effects? cuz i heard that if you dye your hair it can make you lose hair when your younger is this true?

Does dying your hair have any negative side effects?

Yes dying your hair does have bad side your hair won't "fall out" as in de-root from your head. However, if you bleach over bleach a bunch of times your hair WILL break off. I would NOT use box colors you get at walmart or a grocerie store because 99% of them contain metallic salts (which can make your hair fade to unnatural colors and are not compatible with a lot of other different dyes you might want to later put in your hair). I would go to a beauty store and ask to make sure the dye you will get does not have the metallic salts in it. Good luck!

Does dying your hair have any negative side effects?

If you don't take care of your hair (give it the proper conditioning) it could fall out. Other than!

Does dying your hair have any negative side effects?

if you do it too much, i think it hurts the follicles

Does dying your hair have any negative side effects?

depends on what brand colour ur using and wheather you take proper care of your hair or not

Does dying your hair have any negative side effects?

Yes, unless you are a professional. There are still many things about hair coloring that are unfamiliar to non-professionals about hair coloring. Be careful and follow the directions closely if you do decide to color your hair yourself.

Does dying your hair have any negative side effects?

If dying it dont kill it then try Chemotherapy i hear that does the trick.....

see ya in the movies Yule Brenner

Does dying your hair have any negative side effects?

It depends on the type of color that you're using. Permament (level 3 or higher) hair color can damage your hair and make it more brittle, which leads to breakage.

Bleaching it, or dying it lighter (which requires some bleaching) definitely damages the hair and makes it break.

It also depends on how often you do it. If you are dyeing your hair once or twice, it's not as bad as every 4-6 weeks for years.

Does dying your hair have any negative side effects?

i dont think so.

Does dying your hair have any negative side effects?

yeah! it could be true .one sure thing is that all of your hair will become grey hence u have to literally depend on dye for the rest of ur life.try natural remedies like henna

Does dying your hair have any negative side effects?

if you do it many many manyy times when you grow older it will fall out and the hairs that dont fall will turn white colored!!! I DONT THINK ANYBODY WANTS THAT

Does dying your hair have any negative side effects?

I've dyed my hair bright colours loads of times and it hasn't damaged it at all. But I have fairly oily hair to start with so it can take it. Just don't bleach it too much (I bleach mine twice a year, max) , as that does make it dry. Make sure you condition it to keep it nice.

Does dying your hair have any negative side effects?

Yes it's true.And plus it takes away the natural beautiful shine it has.

Does dying your hair have any negative side effects?

Not really unless you dye it constantly then hair will became damaged and weak

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