Friday, November 13, 2009

Question about hair loss!!?

My sister is 13 years old and like for some odd reason she sometimes gets bald spots on her head like all in the frontal lobe but when we went to see a doctor they said it was nothing and its not like there appearing all over the place but its just like one bald spot and then the hair would grow back but now she has a bald spot and itts been 3 months yet still no hair has grown back there are no more areas and its not like shes having these bald spots often but wondering what you people think and what she should do because its kinda weird for a 13 year old to lose hair.

Question about hair loss!!?

Go back to the doctor. She has something called alopecia aerata and there is usually no cure. But they must do some tests to help her.

email me if you want more information.

I should have added: it often just goes away. No one knows why or how. However there are some conditions that could cause it - like thyroid problems. And these can be addressed. Please go back to your doctor, and even better still, change your doctor.

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