Wednesday, November 11, 2009

If trump beats vince.Does that mean umaga is fired for losing and making mcmahon hair bold?


If trump beats vince.Does that mean umaga is fired for losing and making mcmahon hair bold?


I hope Vince wins cause I hate the Donalds hair.

I'll be glad when this is over with. I hope stone cold does a stunner to either one of them and make them both bald that would be a good laugh.

If trump beats vince.Does that mean umaga is fired for losing and making mcmahon hair bold?

No I think Vince knows by now that everyone he fires TNA ends up picking up. Umaga has become a stable superstar, there is no need to fire him.

If trump beats vince.Does that mean umaga is fired for losing and making mcmahon hair bold?

no, he will prolly get some punishment or somethin, but not fire him

If trump beats vince.Does that mean umaga is fired for losing and making mcmahon hair bold?

good question, i don't think umaga will be fired but vince will do something to him.

If trump beats vince.Does that mean umaga is fired for losing and making mcmahon hair bold?

bald by the way, and probably

If trump beats vince.Does that mean umaga is fired for losing and making mcmahon hair bold?

I think that Trump will win and vince will be bald but i dont think Umaga will get fired for it he might get fired in the storyline for a lil bit but he'll be back i think they are trying to get Umaga into more of a storyline then he is in now.

If trump beats vince.Does that mean umaga is fired for losing and making mcmahon hair bold?

I doubt it. Umaga will probably be winning the match and Stone Cold will interfere and cause him to lose.

If trump beats vince.Does that mean umaga is fired for losing and making mcmahon hair bold?

i hope so becuse seriously umaga pissess me off so damn much.

If trump beats vince.Does that mean umaga is fired for losing and making mcmahon hair bold?

do you rerally think vince is going to fire his money maker theyw ay he is pushing umaga no way he fires him the outcome is already set eevryone knows the mathces are pre- determind its not real

If trump beats vince.Does that mean umaga is fired for losing and making mcmahon hair bold?

Good question, I hope he does get fired I don't like Umaga.

If trump beats vince.Does that mean umaga is fired for losing and making mcmahon hair bold?

McMahon will kill Umaga

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